Page 219 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 219

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

              02    Health

             In 2022, the Sharjah Charity House demonstrated a   the operational costs of these medical convoys,
             resolute commitment to global health enhancement   Sharjah Charity House played a key role in delivering
             by  channeling  AED  1.1  million  (USD  0.3  million),   critical healthcare services to remote and underserved
             accounting  for  21%  of  the  organization’s  total  aid   communities on the continent.
             allocation, into the Health Sector. This allocation was
             strategically divided to support two projects with   Simultaneously, reinforcing its dedication to enhancing
             a broad reach and impact. The first initiative was a   medical infrastructure, the foundation extended its
             multifaceted program in Africa, aiming to provide   support to India. There, a healthcare facility was
             urgent healthcare to those in dire need. This was   endowed with three state-of-the-art dialysis machines,
             achieved through the Zayed Al-Khair medical convoys,   a move that undoubtedly bolstered the facility’s
             an emblematic gesture symbolizing both the legacy of   capacity to provide lifesaving renal care to patients,
             Sheikh  Zayed and  the UAE’s  sustained  commitment   illustrating the foundation’s tangible contributions to
             to  humanitarian  outreach in  Africa.  By sponsoring   elevating global health standards.

              03    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the Sharjah Charity House broadened its   was in Bangladesh, where the Charity House facilitated
             philanthropic presence by channeling AED 0.9 million   relief items for the Rohingya refugees, a population
             (USD  0.2  million),  which  constitutes  17%  of  its  total   grappling  with  immense  challenges.  In  Syria  and
             aid disbursements for the year, into the Commodity   Jordan, amidst the biting cold, winter necessities were
             Aid Sector. This sector is pivotal in addressing   provided.  Moving to Southeast Asia, Cambodia saw
             immediate needs, especially in times of crises. Such an   the distribution of 500 food parcels, an initiative that
             initiative by the foundation assisted five countries with   would have addressed immediate hunger needs and
             emergency multi-sector aid. A noteworthy endeavor   provided relief to many families.
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