Page 211 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 211

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

              02    Health

             The health sector emerged as a significant priority   (USD 1.0 million) allocated to fund the operational
             for the Zayed Foundation, positioning itself as the   expenses of a key medical establishment – the Sheikh
             second-most funded sector in 2022. Demonstrating   Zayed Hospital-Kabul located in Khost. By investing in
             its commitment to fostering global well-being, the   this facility, the Zayed Foundation not only underscored
             Foundation made a strategic collaboration with the   its dedication to enhancing healthcare standards in
             International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)   regions that direly need it, but also reiterate its ability
             to fortify healthcare provisions in Afghanistan. This   to leverage international partnerships for maximum on-
             partnership led to a substantial grant of AED 3.7 million   ground impact.

               “Zayed College of Nursing” eases the suffering of the Palestinian people.
               Source: Zayed Charitable & Humanitarian Foundation
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