Page 206 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 206

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

              03    Commodity Aid

             In  2022,  the  Big  Heart  Foundation  demonstrated  its   financial aid and expanded access to essential services.
             multifaceted humanitarian approach by allocating AED   In collaboration with UNHCR, a second project
             4.4 million (USD 1.2 million) towards the Commodity   focused on providing specialized case management to
             Aid Sector, supporting seven countries in urgent   vulnerable  refugee  children  who  had  been  subjected
             need. The Foundation showcased its adaptability   to various forms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation,
             by earmarking these funds for a variety of urgent   while also building the capacities of child protection
             requirements, ranging from emergency food and    actors. The third initiative was launched in response to
             shelter to multifaceted emergency aid.           the Beirut port explosion, aiming to provide immediate
                                                              protection and aid to vulnerable families and children
             In Afghanistan, the Foundation collaborated with the   affected by the calamity.
             World Food Programme to extend emergency food aid
             to 5,500 internally displaced Afghans, exemplifying   Mauritania saw a collaboration with UNHCR to
             how crucial partnerships can amplify impact. Similarly,   fortify specialized protection services for children and
             the  plight  of  Rohingya  refugees  in  Bangladesh  was   persons with specific needs in Mbera Camp and urban
             addressed with the provision of both safe shelters and   areas. This stands as a testament to the Foundation’s
             essential food items, offering a comprehensive solution   commitment  to  ensuring  the  welfare  of  marginalized
             to displacement and deprivation.                 communities in diverse settings.

             In  the  Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo,  the   Lastly, in Pakistan, the Foundation transcended
             Foundation  partnered  with  UNHCR to  repair the   traditional  aid models  by  not only  conducting  a
             homes of 2,000 households using treated bamboo,   food distribution campaign but also establishing a
             offering durable solutions to vulnerable communities.   community  center  aimed  at  uplifting  the  refugee
             Meanwhile, refugees in Egypt were not only provided   community at large.
             with nutritious food year-round but also received
             blankets to mitigate the harshness of colder months.  In summary, the Big Heart Foundation’s work in
                                                              the Commodity Aid Sector in 2022 exemplifies its
             The Foundation’s work in Lebanon was notably diverse   commitment to offering holistic and adaptable solutions
             and catered to an array of needs. The first project   to complex humanitarian challenges, while forming key
             focused on supporting the physical and mental well-  partnerships to magnify the scope and effectiveness of
             being of girls impacted by conflict, facilitating their   their interventions.
             transformation into empowered individuals through
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