Page 201 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 201

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

              02    Basic Drinking Water Supply

             In 2022, the Emirates Charitable Association continued   Benin, the local communities witnessed the construction
             its  support  towards  the  basic  drinking  water  supply   of 16 vital water wells. India, another key beneficiary,
             sector, directing a dedicated fund of AED 2.2 million   saw the addition of 69 water wells, coupled with the
             (USD 0.6 million) across six countries. Notably,   installation of nine water pumps. Meanwhile, Indonesia
             Bangladesh emerged as the principal beneficiary   was provided with 149 water coolers, catering to its
             of these efforts, receiving over half of the sector’s   unique geographical and climatic conditions. Lastly,
             funding. This concentrated support in Bangladesh   Mali and Uganda also experienced a boost in their
             culminated in the installation of 402 water pumps and   water infrastructure, benefiting from the construction
             the strategic drilling and establishment of 234 water   of 8 and 68 water wells, respectively. Through these
             wells,  substantially  enhancing  the  region’s  water   initiatives, the  Emirates Charitable  Association not
             accessibility.                                   only ensured improved water accessibility but also
                                                              potentially  transformed  the  health  and  well-being  of
             The Association’s commitment to ensuring clean   countless individuals in these regions.
             drinking water extended to other countries as well. In

              03    Education

             The Emirates Charitable Association demonstrated its   spaces conducive to learning but also signified the
             commitment to global education in 2022 by investing   Association’s belief in education as a cornerstone for
             in infrastructural projects across five countries.   sustainable development. By bolstering educational
             Recognizing that a conducive learning environment   infrastructure, the Emirates Charitable Association has
             plays a pivotal role in the academic and holistic   not only created immediate opportunities for students
             development of students, the Association funded the   but has also laid down a foundation for long-term
             construction and fully equipping 44 classrooms. This   positive  change  in  these  communities.
             initiative not only provided thousands of students with
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