Page 200 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the Emirates Charitable Association scaled   total funding was earmarked for partnerships with these
             up its philanthropic efforts, disbursing AED 33.2   local entities, enhancing the effectiveness and reach
             million (USD 9.0 million) in international aid, marking   of the Association’s projects. The remaining 36% was
             a 24% increase from the previous year’s contributions.   directly administered by the Association itself, ensuring
             The organization  showcased a  targeted approach   controlled and focused deployment of resources.
             by  channeling  57%  of  its  total  funding  to  four  Least
             Developed Countries (LDCs), while the remaining 43%   Geographically,  Uganda,  Indonesia,  and  Bangladesh
             was judiciously allocated to two lower-middle-income   were the primary beneficiaries in 2022, collectively
             nations.                                          receiving  an  impressive  88%  of  the  Association’s
                                                               total foreign aid. From a global development and
             Operating exclusively through a grant-based model,   sustainability  standpoint,  the  Association’s  projects
             the Association strategically prioritized charitable   supported  five of  the  United Nations  17  Sustainable
             activities, designating over 85% of its international aid   Development Goals (SDGs), with particular emphasis
             budget towards this category. Developmental projects   on SDG 1 (No Poverty), and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities
             received  14%  of  the  funding,  leaving  a  smaller  but   and Communities).
             crucial  segment for  humanitarian  assistance.
                                                               Cumulatively, between the years 2021 and 2022, the
             In terms of implementation, the Association wisely   Association’s total foreign aid expenditure reached
             leveraged  the  specialized  skills  and  local  knowledge   an impactful AED 59.8 million (USD 16.3 million),
             of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil   underlining its commitment and growing role in global
             society organizations (CSOs). A significant 64% of the   philanthropy.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             In 2022, the Emirates Charitable Association reaffirmed   impactful projects, emphasizing holistic social welfare
             its dedication  to  fostering  global community  well-  and community support. In Uganda, the Association’s
             being by prioritizing the Social Services Sector in its   endeavors led to the establishment and outfitting of 22
             international aid initiatives. With a significant budget   orphanages, creating safe havens for the vulnerable.
             allocation of AED 29.7 million (USD 8.1 million),   Furthermore, the Association’s Productive Families
             constituting  nearly  90%  of  the  association’s  entire   Support Program in Uganda manifested in tangible
             aid disbursements, Emirates Charitable Association   support for local families: 188 families were empowered
             demonstrated its commitment to diverse societal   with beehive-related livelihoods, 90 families received
             needs. This outreach included varied projects,   saplings to kickstart agricultural pursuits, and five
             ranging from essential social welfare services to   families were provided sewing machines, enabling self-
             the more specialized construction of religious sites,   sufficiency and potential entrepreneurship. Meanwhile,
             encompassing seasonal programmes that spanned six   in Indonesia, the Association’s commitment extended
             nations. Notably, Uganda and Indonesia emerged as   beyond standard social welfare projects. There, the
             primary beneficiaries of these endeavours.       establishment of two comprehensive complexes
                                                              dedicated to social services further solidified the
             A  majority  of  the  sector’s  funding,  over  60%,  was   Association’s profound impact on the community’s
             directed towards the establishment of religious sites.   fabric.
             The remaining funds were strategically channeled into
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