Page 196 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 196

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             Established in 2015, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al   disaster led to the loss of more than a thousand lives,
             Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI) serves as an   the displacement of millions, and the obliteration of
             embodiment of the UAE’s commitment to driving     over 3,450 kilometers of critical infrastructure, including
             humanitarian and developmental efforts on a global   roads that left entire communities isolated.
             scale. Consolidating over 30 significant initiatives
             and entities under its expansive umbrella, MBRGI’s   MBRGI’s interventions were twofold: the provision of
             role as a major UAE donor entity is distinct from, yet   emergency food aid and the distribution of emergency
             complementary to, the individual contributions of its   shelter and non-food items (NFIs). This direct assistance
             affiliated institutions. This includes prominent entities   helped  millions of  people, providing  them  with the
             such as the International Humanitarian City, the   essential resources to survive in the aftermath of the
             Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian &     flooding.
             Charity Establishment, Noor Dubai Foundation, and
             Dubai Cares. It is therefore imperative to note that   The aid was administered through a bilateral assistance
             the funds disbursed by these UAE donor entities, as   model, directly in coordination with the Government of
             detailed in this report, are over and above the direct   Pakistan, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the
             international aid in 2022 reported for MBRGI itself.  intervention.  In  alignment  with  the  United  Nations’
                                                               Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MBRGI’s
             In  the  year  2022,  the  reported  international  aid  of   efforts specifically supported goals 1 (No Poverty) and
             MBRGI reached a sum of AED 47.0 million (USD 12.8   2 (Zero Hunger), demonstrating a focused strategy to
             million).  This funding was channeled into two large-  tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing
             scale projects in Pakistan aimed at alleviating the   vulnerable communities.
             devastating impact of catastrophic floods. This natural

             Allocation Insights

             In 2022, the achievements of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, including its 35 entities and
             initiatives both domestically and internationally are as follows:

             1.4 Billion AED                      102 Million                      100
             spent across all pillars in 2022     beneficiaries of MBRGI’s         countries reached in 2022
                                                  initiatives in 2022

             150,266                              847 Million                      18.4    Million AED
             volunteers across all initiatives,   employees in 2022                awarded in total prizes in
             projects and programmes in 2022                                       2022
   191   192   193   194   195   196   197   198   199   200   201