Page 191 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 191

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Further innovating in 2020, the IHC, in collaboration with   Recognizing the critical need for precise storage
             the World Health Organization (WHO), introduced its   solutions, especially for sensitive items like vaccines
             semi-automated kitting centre. This facility empowers   and select medical commodities, the IHC took another
             IHC’s humanitarian members to efficiently assemble   significant step. IHC rolled out a state-of-the-art 500
             emergency and relief kits for global distribution. The   sqm cold-chain facility, designed to ensure optimal
             value of the kitting centre cannot be understated, as   storage conditions. This facility not only safeguards
             it propels the emergency response to operate on a   the integrity of vital supplies but also guarantees that
             just-in-time model.  It  slashes storage  requirements,   they are primed and ready for prompt deployment in
             trims preparation durations, and augments the overall   emergencies. Through these myriad initiatives, the IHC
             efficiency, effectively curtailing both the time and cost   continuously exemplifies its commitment to enhancing
             involved in assembly processes.                  the efficacy of global humanitarian efforts.

              02    Afghanistan

             In response to the dual crisis of an earthquake and the   stockpiles situated within the IHC’s facilities. These
             looming threat of a cholera outbreak in Afghanistan,   supplies comprised essential medicines, specialized
             the International Humanitarian City (IHC) in Dubai   medical equipment, and crucially, cholera kits designed
             coordinated a critical cargo flight to Kabul. The plane   to counteract a potential outbreak of the waterborne
             transported 24.5 tons of life-saving supplies, sourced   illness.
             primarily from World Health Organization (WHO)

              03    Libya

             In 2022, the International Humanitarian City (IHC)   materials journeyed to Benghazi, a prominent city in
             played an  instrumental role  in global  emergency   eastern Libya. This timely intervention aimed to provide
             response by facilitating the transportation of 24.5   aid to the most devastated regions of Libya, especially
             tons of critical relief items to Libya on behalf of the   in light of the escalating conflict in the capital, Tripoli,
             World Health Organization (WHO). The IHC serves as   where violent clashes  led to  the tragic  displacement
             a strategic location, housing WHO’s dedicated medical   of countless individuals and claimed the lives of more
             logistics hub.                                   than 30 people. The commitment of organizations like
                                                              the IHC is paramount in these trying times, ensuring
             Launching its mission from Dubai, a cargo aircraft   that vital support reaches those most in need even in
             laden with essential medicines and other relief   the face of mounting challenges. 23
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