Page 190 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 190

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The International Humanitarian City (IHC) in Dubai   30,000 square meters, it now spans a sprawling 135,000
             stands as a pivotal global center for humanitarian   square meters. Such proximity and expansiveness
             logistics  and emergency  response coordination.  In   enable members to seamlessly  transition shipments
             2022 alone, the IHC allocated a significant AED 52.5   from sea to air in a mere 10 minutes. This logistical
             million (USD 14.3 million) toward international aid.   advantage, compounded by Dubai’s geographical
             A  significant  portion  of  this  budget,  over  80%,  was   centrality, allows IHC and its members to expediently
             strategically directed toward multi-country initiatives   reach two-thirds of the global population residing in
             aimed at tackling global challenges. The remaining   hazard-prone zones within a timeframe of 4-8 hours.
             funds were allocated to targeted humanitarian and
             emergency relief projects in six countries.      While the IHC’s reach is undeniably global, it placed
                                                              special emphasis in 2022 on nations like Pakistan,
             Consistent with its mission and past endeavors, the IHC   Afghanistan, and Libya. Their commitment to global
             collaborated with an array of partners, from international   change is further evidenced by their support for 6 out
             and multilateral organizations  to grassroots  national   of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with
             non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil   a predominant focus on SDGs 1 (No Poverty), 2 (Zero
             society organizations (CSOs). A unique facet of IHC is   Hunger),  and 3  (Good  Health and  Well-being).  These
             its distinctive makeup: it is not just a hub, but a non-  three  goals  alone  absorbed  more  than  90%  of  IHC’s
             profit, independent, humanitarian free-zone authority.   total aid contributions for that year.
             IHC hosts a thriving community of approximately 80
             members, which includes United Nations entities, non-  Over the last five years, from 2018-2022, the IHC has
             profit organizations, non-governmental organizations,   displayed an enduring commitment to its mission,
             and even commercial companies. This dynamic blend   disbursing an aggregate sum of AED 322.1 million (USD
             fosters a synergy that accelerates aid delivery and   87.7 million) in grant funding to facilitate and deliver
             maximizes impact.                                humanitarian endeavors globally. This cumulative
                                                              financial support underscores the IHC’s role as a key
             Strategically positioned near Al Maktoum Airport and   player in orchestrating and executing humanitarian
             in close proximity to Jebel Ali Port, IHC’s facility has   assistance on an international scale.
             undergone a massive expansion. From its original size of

             Allocation Insights

               01   Humanitarian Services

             The International Humanitarian City (IHC) in Dubai is not   global  emergency  preparedness  and  response
             just a nexus for approximately 80 of the world’s premier   mechanisms. To date, this databank serves as a
             humanitarian and emergency response organizations;   centralized platform, offering insights into humanitarian
             it is also a catalyst for collective and coordinated   aid stocks and their flows. With the integration of
             action.  As crises around the globe intensify, the IHC   automated tracking, the databank pulls real-time
             amplifies its efforts, offering specialized services like   data from ports, airports, and other points of entry,
             complimentary airlifts for transporting critical aid and   ensuring stakeholders have a transparent view of
             for evacuating staff members from hazardous zones.   crucial relief items like food, medicines, and shelters.
             Furthermore, it offers an evacuation center specifically   This transparency fosters seamless collaboration,
             designed to accommodate these evacuated personnel,   minimizing  delays  and  congestion  at  major  logistical
             thereby ensuring their safety and well-being.    touchpoints, which is pivotal during crises.
             In 2018, the IHC unveiled the ground-breaking
             Humanitarian Logistics Databank, aiming to fortify
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