Page 192 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 192

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

              04    Pakistan

             In response to the catastrophic floods that engulfed   The IHC’s intervention was not merely a logistical
             a third of Pakistan in 2022 — displacing millions,   feat;  it  was  a  multi-faceted  humanitarian  endeavor
             destroying expansive agricultural lands, and affecting   in collaboration with its members. The aid packages
             countless livelihoods — the International IHC    distributed contained essential medical and health
             orchestrated 36 airbridges for the rapid delivery of   supplies aimed at controlling the spread of waterborne
             both emergency food aid and vital non-food items   diseases, a significant risk in flood-ravaged areas with
             (NFIs)  to  the  affected  regions.  The  inaugural  airlift   stagnant water  pools. Additionally,  the airbridges
             alone in September 2022 consisted of three plane   included personal hygiene items, designed to ease
             trips to Karachi, transporting 33 tons of emergency   the  hardship for  those displaced  and taking  refuge
             relief supplies. This initial wave of aid was a lifeline   in temporary shelters. Basic sustenance needs were
             for approximately 13,600 people who were directly   also  addressed, with  food  aid targeted  toward  the
             impacted by the flooding disaster in Pakistan. 24  individuals and families who were most severely
                                                              affected  by  the crisis.

              05    Somalia

              In the wake of a devastating car bombing in Mogadishu,   This rapid  response reached  approximately 55,000
             Somalia in 2022 that resulted in more than 120 fatalities   beneficiaries and involved a substantial consignment
             and left at least 300 others injured, the International   of 38 tons of trauma kits and surgical equipment.  60%
             Humanitarian City (IHC) acted swiftly to bolster the   of the operational cost was covered by the IHC’s Global
             emergency response. Collaborating closely with the   Humanitarian Impact Fund (GHIF), a unique fund that
             World Health Organization (WHO), the IHC facilitated   mobilizes resources from both the public and private
             the airlift of critical medical supplies from its Dubai-  sectors for emergency interventions.
             based warehouses to the impacted region in Somalia.

              06    Sudan

             In  response  to  the  unrelenting  torrential  rains  that   bolstered the relief effort by delivering an additional
             deluged six states in Sudan in 2022, the International   100 tons of essential items, generously provided by the
             Humanitarian City (IHC) swiftly spearheaded efforts to   IFRC.
             deliver essential humanitarian aid, aiming to mitigate
             the suffering and improve the living conditions of those   This collective effort ensured the delivery of a
             displaced by the calamity. The humanitarian airbridge to   comprehensive aid package, encompassing medicines,
             Sudan, facilitated by the IHC, involved multiple flights,   medical equipment, blankets, hygiene kits, collapsible
             with the inaugural trip to Khartoum transporting 90   jerrycans, kitchen essentials, mosquito nets, mats,
             tons of aid. This aid was drawn from the reserves of two   tarpaulins, and agents to purify water. This extensive
             eminent IHC members: the International Federation of   initiative facilitated support for over 20,000 affected
             Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the   individuals. 26
             World Health Organization (WHO). A subsequent flight
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