Page 186 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 186

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development (KFED), an   respective governments of these three countries. This
             emblematic representative of the UAE’s commitment   demonstrates a committed approach to forge lasting,
             to nurturing entrepreneurship globally,  is making   government-to-government relationships that go
             strides in  bolstering the  entrepreneurial ecosystems   beyond mere monetary contributions. The disbursement
             of developing countries. In 2022, the entity allocated   structure also reflected the fund’s balanced strategy:
             AED 52.9 million (USD 14.4 million) to catalyze   65% of the financial aid was offered as grants, ensuring
             entrepreneurial endeavors in three Least Developing   immediate impact, while the remaining 35% was given
             Countries (LDCs): Mauritania, Senegal, and Tanzania.  as highly concessional loans, a testament to the fund’s
                                                               commitment to long-term, sustainable development.
             Consistent with  its overarching  objective, every
             project initiated in 2022 was designed to align   Over  the last  five years,  although  KFED officially
             with development-centered ambitions, specifically   documented its international aid efforts in the UAE’s
             supporting  Sustainable Development  Goal (SDG)  8,   annual foreign aid report for only 2019 and 2022, its
             which focuses on decent work and economic growth.  combined allocations over these two years amounted
                                                               to an impressive AED 237.8 million (USD 64.7 million),
             Notably,  the  entirety  of  the  funding—100%—   underscoring its unwavering commitment to nurturing
             was directed through bilateral assistance to the   entrepreneurial prowess on a global scale.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Industry

             With an aid allocation of AED 52.9 million (USD 14.4   the backbone of the nation’s economic framework.
             million), in 2022, the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise   Senegal witnessed the KFED’s commitment in a
             Development honed its focus on invigorating the   different, yet equally impactful manner. Here, the
             global Industry Sector, with a particular emphasis   Fund championed the inception of a center dedicated
             on the development of Small and Medium-sized     to entrepreneurship and innovation, creating a hub
             Enterprises (SMEs). This strategic direction was not   that could not only guide budding entrepreneurs but
             just an economic move, but a visionary one—aiming   also stimulate innovative solutions for the country’s
             to propel the three LDCs, namely Mauritania, Senegal,   pressing challenges.
             and Tanzania, closer to realizing their commitments to
             Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8, which revolves   Meanwhile, in the vibrant islands of Zanzibar, Tanzania,
             around promoting inclusive economic growth and   the KFED’s endeavors bore fruit in the form of bolstered
             providing decent work for all.                   SMEs. Through their strategic investments and support,
                                                              the fund provided a lifeline to these enterprises, paving
             In Mauritania, KFED’s intervention was instrumental in   the way for increased local employment, innovation,
             nurturing the local entrepreneurial spirit, facilitating the   and a resilient economic fabric that bodes well for
             expansion and fortification of various SMEs that act as   Zanzibar’s future growth trajectory.
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