Page 181 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 181

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Allocation Insights

               01   Education

             In  Bangladesh,  Dubai  Cares  undertook  substantial   students for gainful employment opportunities within
             humanitarian efforts in 2022, particularly aimed at   this industry but also empowered them to play pivotal
             aiding the Rohingya refugees. In a collaboration with   roles in steering the sustainable growth of Ecuador’s
             BRAC, a renowned non-governmental organization,   tourism sector.
             Dubai Cares facilitated comprehensive support to
             over 28,000 children residing in the Cox’s Bazar   In the heart of the Middle East, Jordan witnessed Dubai
             refugee camps. The aid encompassed not only      Cares’ unwavering commitment to education, especially
             educational assistance but also critical WASH (Water,   amidst crises. Beyond the substantial ‘Education in
             Sanitation, and Hygiene) services and the provision of   Emergencies’ initiative targeting high school refugees,
             indispensable non-food items (NFIs), creating a holistic   Dubai Cares undertook a more focused approach
             support system for  the vulnerable population.   by sponsoring the tertiary education of five female
                                                              students at Zarqa University. This resonates with Dubai
             Additionally, Dubai Cares invested in the future of local   Cares’ ethos of empowering individuals to shape their
             education in Bangladesh by constructing a 15-classroom   destinies and that of their communities.
             lower secondary school in Bhatapara, situated in the
             Dharmapasha region under the Sunamganj District.   Stretching its reach to Malawi, Nepal, and Senegal,
             This educational institution is designed to initially serve   Dubai Cares instituted dual-faceted programs centered
             as a Junior Secondary School for Grades 6 to 8 and is   on  Primary  School  Construction  and  Adult  Literacy.
             slated for future expansion to provide education up to   In Nepal, the program’s infrastructure dimension was
             Grades 9 and 10.                                 underscored by the construction of four schools, each
                                                              designed  to accommodate 360  students. Alongside
             Switching focus  to  Cambodia, Dubai  Cares financed   this, the adult literacy initiative thrived, with dedicated
             the  realization of  two impactful  educational projects.   local facilitators spearheading literacy courses for both
             The first, dubbed ‘Training Cambodian Youth for   men and women. A similar blueprint was adopted in
             High Skill Occupations in Hospitality,’ builds upon   Malawi, featuring two schools with capacities for 100
             the existing success of the Academy of Culinary Arts   students each, and Senegal, with one school. In all
             Cambodia (ACAC). The academy offers a two-year   these regions, the overarching aim was to enhance
             post-high school Associate Diploma, which enjoys   educational accessibility, emphasizing the inclusion of
             certification from both the ASEAN community and   women and girls.
             the Swiss Hospitality Management School of Lucerne.
             This program is intricately aligned with Cambodia’s   Pakistan, too, benefited from Dubai Cares’ strategic
             Ministry of Education’s Hospitality Training Pilot High   interventions. Rato Dero Larkana saw the inauguration
             School Program for the years 2022-2023.          of a new primary school, with Dubai Cares funding the
                                                              entire operational costs for the school for an entire year,
             The second initiative, known as the ‘Adopt a School’   exemplifying a holistic approach to education support.
             project, is crafted to address educational accessibility
             issues for children residing in Cambodia’s remote   Paraguay stood witness to the launch of the ambitious
             communities. This initiative is specifically designed   ‘Education, Learn & Innovate through an E-Platform
             to support the educational needs of approximately   (ELITE) Program’. This initiative championed the cause
             250  primary-aged  children,  fortifying  the  educational   of digital education, with its primary deliverable being a
             infrastructure in less accessible regions.       comprehensive educational portal. Tailored to address
                                                              the diverse cultural fabric of Paraguay, the portal ensured
             In Ecuador, Dubai Cares has been at the forefront   inclusivity by catering to the indigenous community,
             of bridging the skills gap in the tourism sector.   children with disabilities, and the Guarani-speaking
             Recognizing the potential of Ecuador’s travel and   populace. Further augmenting the portal’s utility, its
             tourism industry, Dubai Cares helped tailor the upper-  content aligns seamlessly with both Paraguayan public
             secondary educational modules specifically catering   education policies and global innovation trends. This
             to tourism-related courses. This not only prepared   five-year endeavor encapsulates four foundational
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