Page 180 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, Dubai Cares continued to solidify its reputation   benchmarks in global educational standards and policy
             as the UAE’s foremost foreign aid donor in the global   making, thereby enhancing the potential for systemic
             education  sector,  diligently  advancing  its  mission  to   change.
             expand access to quality education in the developing
             world. That year, the organization earmarked a   Dubai Cares has long-standing roots in cultivating
             substantial AED 62.5 million (USD 17.0 million) for   robust partnerships as a cornerstone of its operational
             educational initiatives that impacted 13 countries, five   strategy, aligning itself with international, multilateral,
             of which were classified as Least Developed Countries   and particularly local organizations. In 2022, a
             (LDCs).                                          remarkable  95%  of  its  projects  were  executed  in
                                                              collaboration with national NGOs and Civil Society
             A closer examination of the 2022 foreign aid funding   Organizations (CSOs) in beneficiary countries. This not
             blueprint reveals that a dominant 82% of the allocated   only signifies Dubai Cares’ commitment to localized,
             aid was funneled into Dubai Cares’ multi-country   ground-up interventions but also demonstrates trust in
             programmes. These initiatives primarily targeted global   the unique insights and expertise that these national
             research and advocacy, monitoring, evaluation, and   organizations  bring  to  the  table.  The  remaining  5%
             quality assurance. The intention behind this sizable   of the funding was allocated to partnerships with
             allocation was to fine-tune educational frameworks to   international NGOs, underscoring the organization’s
             align with the real-world needs of learners, spanning   global reach and multifaceted approach to aid.
             various age groups from children to young adults. By
             doing so, Dubai Cares aims not just to make a difference   When it comes to the categorization of assistance,
             on the ground, but also to contribute scholarly insights   Dubai Cares demonstrated a discernible focus
             that can uplift the broader global education landscape.  on development-centric programs, dedicating an
             In the vast expanse of sub-Saharan Africa, a region   overwhelming  94%  of  its  resources  in  that  direction.
             often grappling with intricate educational challenges,   While the organization’s primary thrust is development,
             Dubai Cares steered its focus towards rejuvenating   it does not overlook immediate humanitarian needs.
             the  tertiary  education  sector.  Aiming  for  systemic   The  remaining  6%  of  its  budget  was  channeled
             transformation, the organization sought to enhance the   towards  humanitarian  efforts,  including  addressing
             sector’s overall efficacy, ensuring that higher education   the educational exigencies of the Rohingya crisis and
             in the region not only remains accessible but also   sustaining the Education in Emergencies program in
             evolves to meet international standards.         Jordan, which specifically supports high-school aged
                                                              Syrian refugees.
             In a move to galvanize worldwide attention and action,
             and as part of its global advocacy efforts, Dubai Cares   The top three beneficiaries of Dubai Cares’ country-
             launched a landmark pledge in October 2022 — the   based education projects in 2022 were Bangladesh,
             Dubai Declaration: A Fair Start in Life for Every Child:   Paraguay, and Cambodia, highlighting the geographical
             The Imperative to Act Now. The Declaration was   diversity and strategic focus of its philanthropic
             articulated around three pivotal principles. The first   endeavors. From a global perspective, Dubai Cares
             principle emphasized the necessity of adopting a   is  committed  to  contributing  substantially  to  United
             comprehensive, ecosystem-based approach for Early   Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4, aimed at
             Childhood Development (ECD), advocating for multi-  ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and
             dimensional programs that offer every young child   promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
             “the best start in life.” The second principle called for
             the creation and enforcement of family-friendly ECD   Surveying its financial contribution towards the global
             policies, along with robust partnerships and regulatory   education sector over a half-decade period, from 2018-
             frameworks at both the national and global levels.   2022, reveals the monumental scale of Dubai Cares’
             Finally, the third principle focused on the financial   commitment.  Dubai  Cares  has  infused  AED  605.0
             underpinning of these initiatives. It urged for inventive   million (USD 164.7 million) into international aid via
             financing strategies  aimed at  optimizing investment   grants, which stands as its exclusive modality for fund
             in ECD while ensuring the efficient mobilization,   disbursement. This figure is not just about financial
             allocation, and management of resources. Through   magnitude but mirrors the depth and breadth of Dubai
             these  principles, Dubai  Cares  aims to  set  new   Cares’ dedication to global educational advancement.
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