Page 183 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 183

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             realistic, competency-based curriculums, standards,   program is its dedication to research. It endeavors to
             and government textbooks that encompass exhaustive   devise straightforward methodologies to impart the
             literacy components. It also ensures that teachers are   five  reading  skills  to  a  broad  spectrum  of  teachers,
             well-equipped to utilize these resources efficiently.   ensuring that the maximum outcome is derived with
             Secondly, the initiative emphasizes embedding both pre-  optimal time and financial efficiency. Lastly, the
             service and ongoing training for educators with detailed   initiative is committed to integrating reading expertise
             guidance on the five pivotal reading skills. This not only   throughout the educational ecosystem. This guarantees
             aids in lesson design based on formative assessment   continuous support for teachers in their journey to
             outcomes but also guarantees that such training is   cultivate reading and ensures consistent monitoring of
             recurrent, actionable, localized, and augmented with   children’s reading progress.
             mentoring or peer support. A noteworthy aspect of the
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