Page 182 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 182

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             principles: an integrated personal approach, fostering   and skill acquisition, particularly in the vulnerable
             learning  communities,  championing   teachers’  locales of Western Samar. It seeks not only to funnel
             professional development, and facilitating transparent   resources into secondary education but also to fortify
             edu-communication, connecting Paraguay’s Ministry   the foundation of life skills and employability, with a
             of Education and school communities. Through these   keen focus on the vulnerable youth segment, primarily
             pillars,  Dubai  Cares  reiterates  its  commitment  to   adolescent girls.
             reshaping the educational landscape, ensuring no child
             is left behind in the digital era.               The  current challenges  enveloping  the youth  of the
                                                              region are multifaceted, ranging from the economic
             Dubai Cares further fortified its philanthropic footprint   strains of poverty, the daunting task of ensuring
             in South America by supporting the MAIPI—Model of   secondary education completion, the hurdles of
             Comprehensive Care for early childhood in Peru. This   unemployment and underemployment, deficiencies
             innovative pilot program is specifically crafted to cater   in technical and vocational education systems, to the
             to children aged between 0 and 3 years, and revolves   looming threats of climate change that particularly
             around several key pillars: providing these young   afflict the Eastern Visayas region.
             children access to Early Childhood Development (ECD)
             centers, promoting and advancing parenting education,   Adolescent girls in the region confront a unique set of
             bolstering the capacities of local communities and   challenges, stemming from societal biases related to
             authorities, and amplifying awareness about the rights   their age and gender. They grapple with issues like high
             of preschool-aged children. Moreover, it underscores   secondary school drop-out rates, limited economic
             the pivotal roles caregivers and local authorities play in   opportunities, susceptibility to gender-based violence,
             safeguarding  these  rights.                     and alarming rates of teenage pregnancies. The RAISE
                                                              Above initiative is ingeniously tailored to counter these
             By  backing  this  initiative,  Dubai  Cares  reiterates   challenges head-on. Embracing a gender-transformative
             its unwavering commitment to enhancing Early     approach, the program not only champions gender
             Childhood Development (ECD) on a global scale. The   equality but also vigorously endeavors to elevate the
             projected outcomes of the program are both ambitious   status of young women in Western Samar. It achieves
             and transformative. It envisions comprehensive   this by bolstering their access to education, enhancing
             developmental  support,  spanning  health,  nutrition,   their economic opportunities, and safeguarding their
             early education, and protection, for 500 children   sexual and reproductive rights and health.
             aged between 0 and 3 through both ECD centers and
             targeted home visits. Furthermore, it aims to empower   In a transformative collaboration with Save the
             351 families with enhanced parenting knowledge and   Children, Dubai Cares has committed a generous
             practical skills. The communities of Ventanilla and Turpo   allocation of AED 36.7 million (USD 1.0 million)
             are being primed to monitor and champion the growth   towards the Improving Children’s Literacy Program in
             and development of their youngest members. And, in   Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, a region grappling with
             a testament to the program’s collaborative spirit, local   critical educational disparities. Designed to leave an
             government bodies—including the Ministries of Health   indelible impact, this initiative aims to directly enhance
             and  Education—are  expected  to  take  a  proactive   the educational lives of 30,000 children.
             stance, ensuring young children receive the attention
             and care they rightfully deserve.                The program is strategically structured around Literacy
                                                              Boost’s triad of core principles: rigorous assessment
                                                              of existing student literacy levels, capacity-building
             Dubai Cares championed the advancement of education   of educational stakeholders including teachers and
             and empowerment in the Philippines by funding the   administrators, and robust community engagement to
             Real Assets and Improved Skills and Education for   instill a culture of reading and linguistic enrichment.
             Adolescent Girls (RAISE) Above initiative.
                                                              The program’s key objectives are multi-faceted and
             This project is meticulously crafted to amplify the   steeped in a commitment to quality education. Firstly,
             rights of young men and women to education       it aims to foster the design and implementation of
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