Page 176 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 176

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Dubai Charity Association, a symbol of philanthropic   Over the years, the Dubai Charity Association has
             excellence in the UAE, displayed a notable commitment   firmly believed in the transformative power of
             to global welfare by channeling a significant AED 64.5   synergistic efforts. This conviction is evident in their
             million (USD 17.6 million) into foreign aid in 2022.   2022 records, where every foreign aid project was
             This figure signifies not just a substantial sum, but   implemented hand-in-hand  with national  NGOs  and
             a  commendable  18%  increase  from  the  prior  year.   civil society organizations. This symbiotic approach
             Geographically, the Association’s outreach spanned 22   does not just merge the specialized knowledge, skills,
             countries in 2022. A significant spotlight was placed   and regional comprehension of NGOs and CSOs; it also
             on Least Developed Countries (LDCs), with 12 of them   offers an enriched perspective of the nuances at the
             on the receiving end. These LDCs, often grappling with   grassroots level, thereby optimizing the influence of the
             multifaceted  challenges,  received  35%  of  that  year’s   Association’s foreign aid.
             total endowments. Yet, the primary beneficiaries were
             the lower middle-income countries, absorbing 64% of   Geographical analysis  of the  2022 disbursements
             the funds, an indication of the Association’s strategic   reveals a focus on three countries: Egypt, Ghana, and
             focus on fostering sustainable growth in transitioning   India. Together, these nations absorbed more than
             economies.                                        half (55%) of the total funding, suggesting either the
                                                               scale of their needs or the strategic importance of
             Historically, the Dubai Charity Association has adhered to   their development to the Association.  Additionally,
             a consistent funding approach. In 2022, as in preceding   the Dubai Charity Association’s alignment with the
             years, they opted exclusively for grants as their method   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores
             of foreign aid delivery. Analyzing the categorization of   their commitment to global progress, specifically
             this aid in 2022 unveils their philanthropic priorities:   championing SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero
             an  overwhelming  86%  was  reserved  for  charitable   Hunger).
             interventions, 14% was channeled into developmental
             projects, and a smaller, yet crucial, fraction catered to   Zooming out to capture a broader timeframe, from
             urgent humanitarian needs.                        2018 to 2022, the Association’s cumulative foreign
                                                               aid contributions reached AED 356.6 million (USD
                                                               97.1  million), reinforcing  their  reputation  as  a  key
                                                               philanthropic player on the global stage.
             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             In 2022, the Dubai Charity Association significantly   extended its support to vulnerable individuals and
             underscored its commitment  to the Social  Services   families, ensuring they received social protection,
             Sector. With a generous disbursement of AED 64.3   thereby weaving a safety net around some of society’s
             million (USD 17.5 million), the Association prioritized   most vulnerable members.
             projects that encapsulated a wide range of services:
             from  provision  of  social  welfare  and  basic  social   Adding  a cultural  and  spiritual  dimension to  their
             services  to  specialized  seasonal  programmes.  philanthropic work, the Dubai Charity Association
                                                              continued its time-honored tradition of supporting the
             One standout facet of the Association’s endeavours   less fortunate during the Holy Month of Ramadan. Their
             within this sector was their unwavering support to   initiative of distributing meals stands as a testament to
             vulnerable groups. By sponsoring hundreds of orphans,   their integration of charity with cultural significance,
             it stepped in as a beacon of hope for those devoid   reinforcing the true essence of the holy month’s spirit
             of familial support. Furthermore, the Association   of giving and compassion.
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