Page 173 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 173

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

              02    Social Services

             In 2022, as in previous years, the Mohammed bin   million  (USD  1.4  million),  amounting  to  roughly  32%
             Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity       of the sector’s budget. These funds were meticulously
             Establishment placed a significant emphasis on the   utilized to ensure that the underprivileged and
             Social Services Sector, marking it as the second-  vulnerable were provided with meals to break their fast,
             highest beneficiary of their international aid. Spanning   marking their first meal of the day after enduring long
             a wide range of endeavors, from social welfare services   hours of fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan.
             to the construction of religious sites, and inclusive of   Beyond this, the Establishment demonstrated its
             seasonal programmes, the sector was provided with   unwavering commitment to community upliftment by
             AED 16.1 million (USD 4.4 million) in funding. This sum   allocating substantial resources towards social welfare
             equated  to  18%  of  the  Establishment’s  total  foreign   and various basic social services. A collective sum
             aid disbursements for the year. The scope of this   of AED 4.6 million (USD  1.2  million) was channeled
             aid touched 22 countries, with 10 being categorized   into an array of transformative projects. This funding,
             as Less Developed Countries (LDCs). Among these,   representing nearly 30% of the sector’s total, catered
             Tajikistan,  Kyrgyzstan, and  Afghanistan stood  out as   to initiatives ranging from building and equipping
             the primary beneficiaries, jointly receiving 60% of the   homes to shouldering the operational expenses of
             sector’s entire fund.                            an  orphanage  and  its  affiliated  school.  Furthermore,
             The Establishment’s enduring commitment to seasonal   resources were judiciously used to offer indispensable
             programmes, especially during  the Holy  Month of   medical support to those in need and to procure critical
             Ramadan, was conspicuously evident. As the most   medical  supplies,  highlighting  the  Establishment’s
             generously funded subsector within the Social Services   comprehensive approach to fostering positive change
             Sector, seasonal programmes were allocated AED 5.2   in  communities.

              03    Health

             In 2022, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum      its involvement in the noble “Heart Campaign,” which
             Humanitarian and Charity Establishment reemphasized   was effectively implemented in Egypt, Mauritania,
             its commitment to global health, marking it as a crucial   Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. These endeavors showcased
             priority sector. The organization allocated AED 10.4   the organization’s commitment to fostering better
             million (USD 2.8 million) in grant funding, benefiting   health outcomes in diverse geographic contexts.
             six diverse nations. Delving into the specifics, medical   In addition to direct medical interventions, the
             services secured the lion’s share of this grant with an   Establishment’s vision also encompassed bolstering
             expenditure of AED 6.6 million (USD 1.8 million). The   the foundational health infrastructure. This was
             Establishment’s comprehensive approach in this regard   manifested in the financial support for building a
             is commendable, evident in its multifaceted initiatives.   hospital in the Philippines and an impressive portfolio
             For instance, a significant collaboration was undertaken   of 11 health facilities in Tajikistan — encompassing six
             with the Noor Dubai Foundation, aiding its visionary eye   clinics and five hospitals. Notably, within the initiative
             operations project in Ghana. Simultaneously, Tajikistan   in Tajikistan, there was a distinct focus on vulnerable
             received pivotal support in the form of medical aid,   populations, exemplified by the construction of a clinic
             medical supplies, equipment, and vital medications.   and a specialized medical facility exclusively dedicated
             Kyrgyzstan, too, felt the Establishment’s impactful   to the healthcare needs of women and children. This
             presence, as funds were earmarked for the seamless   targeted approach underscores the Establishment’s
             operations of a local hospital and clinic.       dedication to addressing nuanced health challenges in
             The Establishment’s efforts were further exemplified by   the global arena.
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