Page 168 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 168

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation stands out   allocation: 45% targeted global development projects,
             as a prominent pillar among the UAE’s philanthropic   32%  was  channeled  towards  charitable  initiatives,
             entities, playing a pivotal role in global humanitarian   and 22% was dedicated to pressing humanitarian and
             and development efforts. In 2022 alone, the Khalifa   emergency relief endeavors.
             Foundation disbursed AED 92.8 million (USD 25.3   This direct engagement was most evident in Uzbekistan,
             million) in international aid, extending its reach to 28   Sudan, and Lebanon in 2022, which collectively drew
             countries. Significantly, Least Developed Countries   more  than  40%  of  the  total  funds,  emphasizing  the
             (LDCs) were at the forefront of the Khalifa Foundation’s   depth of the Foundation’s commitment to these
             priorities,  with 10  LDCs  benefitting from  AED  23.7   regions.
             million (USD 6.5 million) – a reflection of its commitment   Aligning its initiatives with the 2030 Development
             to address the unique challenges faced by the world’s   Agenda, the Khalifa Foundation demonstrated its
             most vulnerable nations.                         support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
             A discerning strategy in aid distribution saw six lower-  contributing to seven out of the 17 SDGs. Notably, SDGs
             middle income countries receiving a significant share,   3 (Good Health and Well-being), 11 (Sustainable Cities
             with AED 37.6 million (USD 10.2 million), accounting   and Communities), and 1 (No Poverty) were the primary
             for more than 40% of the total disbursement.     focus areas, collectively commanding a remarkable
             Reflecting its commitment to fostering direct,   75% of the Foundation’s SDG-oriented funding.
             meaningful impacts, the Khalifa Foundation, in   Looking at a broader timeframe, from 2018 to 2022,
             alignment with its tradition over the past four years,   the Khalifa Foundation’s unwavering dedication to
             adopted a hands-on implementation strategy. It directly   fostering global change is evident in the AED 682.5
             collaborated with recipient countries, ensuring that aid   million (USD 185.8 million) it has disbursed in grants.
             is precisely tailored to their unique needs. A breakdown   This foreign aid stands as a testament to its enduring
             of the 2022 disbursements reveals a well-thought-out   vision of a more equitable and compassionate world.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Health

             For three consecutive years, from 2019-2022, the health   commencement of constructing a brand-new hospital,
             sector is Khalifa Foundation’s most funded sector,   generously supported by the Khalifa Foundation’s
             underscoring its commitment to bettering global health   grant  funding.
             outcomes. In 2022, this dedication was reflected in the   Apart from infrastructure, the Foundation demonstrated
             allocation of AED 27.7 million (USD 7.5 million) to health   a holistic approach by looking into the nuances of
             projects, a significant figure accounting for nearly 30%   health care delivery. The medical services subsector
             of the Foundation’s entire foreign aid for the year. This   received significant support, with funds allocated for
             contribution made a difference in seven countries, with   essential projects such as the procurement of critical
             four of them identified as Least Developed Countries   medical  equipment, hospital  beds, vital  medical
             (LDCs). Among the beneficiaries, Uzbekistan, Yemen,   supplies, and medicines. Additionally, the Khalifa
             and Seychelles - a Small Island Developing State (SIDS)   Foundation’s comprehensive perspective on healthcare
             - stood out as the principal recipients.         was further illustrated in its support for the operational
             Delving into the specifics of this support, a substantial   facets of healthcare institutions. In 2022, its funding
             70%  of  the  health  sector  funding,  equating  to  AED   not only facilitated the maintenance, equipping, and
             18.5 million (USD 5.0 million), was channeled toward   day-to-day operations of hospitals but also generously
             fortifying basic health infrastructure. Emblematic of   covered doctors’ salaries. Recognizing the importance
             this commitment, in Somalia, the Khalifa Foundation   of a conducive environment for healthcare workers,
             continued to pour resources into the ongoing     the Khalifa Foundation also financed the construction
             construction of two pivotal hospitals in Hargeisa and   of a residential building for hospital staff, fostering a
             Burao, ensuring that these establishments would stand   nurturing atmosphere and, by extension, enhancing
             as beacons of healthcare in the region. Simultaneously,   healthcare delivery.
             the city of Nukus in Uzbekistan witnessed the
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