Page 169 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 169

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

              02    Social Services

             In 2022, the Khalifa Foundation once again underscored   with Iftar meals, offering sustenance and spiritual
             its commitment to uplifting communities by placing the   solace to countless individuals during this sacred
             Social Services Sector at the pinnacle of its international   period.
             aid priorities, a trend that has been consistently   In parallel, the Khalifa Foundation’s initiatives in
             observed over the years. With a budget allocation of   the realm of social welfare services and basic social
             AED 24.0 million (USD 6.5 million), representing over   services were both impactful and diverse. With an
             25% of the Foundation’s total aid disbursements, this   allocation of AED 8.9 million (USD 2.4 million), these
             sector has cast a broad net of support. It spans from   initiatives transcended beyond mere monetary aid.
             social welfare services to the construction of religious   Medical treatments were provided, and the hefty bills
             sites and extends to seasonal programmes, reaching   for critical ailments like cancer were sponsored, offering
             out to eight countries, with a pronounced emphasis on   a lifeline to the needy. The Foundation furthered its
             Palestine and Lebanon.                           reach by providing Braille books, thereby ensuring that
             Seasonal programmes resonated as a primary focus,   the visually impaired weren’t left behind in the pursuit
             capturing  over  60%  of  the  sector’s  allocated  funds.   of knowledge. A particularly heartwarming endeavor
             This translated to a dedicated AED 7.4 million (USD   was witnessed in Afghanistan, where the Foundation
             2.0 million) each for Palestine and Lebanon. In these   played a pivotal role in the construction of a new
             countries, the Foundation launched projects that   orphanage in Kandahar, offering a sanctuary and a new
             encapsulated the spirit of giving, especially during the   lease  on  life  to  countless  orphans.
             Holy Month of Ramadan. Thousands were provided

              03    Commodity Aid

             In 2022,  the  Khalifa Foundation  deepened its   Syrian refugee families benefited. In Iraq, the Khalifa
             commitment to humanitarian causes by placing     Foundation’s compassion  reached  out  to 9,444
             significant emphasis on the Commodity Aid Sector.   displaced families from Syria and the Kurdistan region,
             Reflecting  a  budget  allocation  of  AED  22.1  million   offering them much-needed financial assistance.
             (USD 6.0 million), this sector seamlessly blends three   Further  amplifying its  commitment  to the  sector,  the
             pivotal subsectors that address some of the most   Khalifa Foundation allocated AED 9.0 million (USD
             pressing needs in times of crises: Emergency Food   2.5 million) to Emergency Food Aid projects, which
             Aid, Emergency Multi-Sector Aid, and Household Food   constituted  41%  of  the  sector’s  total  disbursements.
             Security Programmes.                             Beyond the metric of tons of food aid, the real impact
             The Emergency Multi-Sector Aid assumed a dominant   resonates in the tangible distributions on the ground.
             role within this overarching sector, accounting for 48%   In the regions of Mogadishu, Putland, Jubbaland, and
             of the total budget. This aid was particularly instrumental   Somaliland, in addition to tons of food items, 1,000
             in three countries, each facing its own set of unique   food baskets reached families, offering them respite
             challenges. Sudan received a supply of 380 tons of   from hunger. Meanwhile, in Iraq, a generous provision
             vital medical equipment, supplies, and medicines,   of 17,207 food baskets served as a lifeline to families
             complemented by essential food items, attesting to the   displaced by conflict. The generosity extended to
             holistic approach the Khalifa Foundation adopts in its   Pakistan, where, in addition to 1,500 tents providing
             relief efforts. Jordan saw a different kind of aid, with   immediate shelter, tons of food items, including staple
             cash assistance being extended to thousands of Syrian   necessities like flour, were distributed. This, along with
             refugees, a move that not only provided immediate   the provision of 7,450 food baskets, underscored the
             relief  but  also  empowered  them.  This  was  especially   Foundation’s unwavering commitment to alleviating
             evident in the Marjeeb Al-Fuhood Camp, where 1,360   human suffering wherever it manifests.
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