Page 165 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 165

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             These projects aimed to empower individuals with no   of these sites. Additionally, embracing the spirit of
             income  by  equipping  them  with  sustainable  income   giving, AED 9.4 million (USD 2.6 million) was earmarked
             sources, thus  fostering self-reliance.  This innovative   for seasonal programmes, which manifested in acts
             initiative led to the construction of 16 charitable   like distributing Zakat money, food, and clothing during
             complexes, establishment of 60 endowment shops,   the Holy Month of Ramadan, and sponsoring pilgrims
             and support to nearly 1,500 productive hands projects.  for Hajj. Through these initiatives, the Sharjah Charity
             Religious  sites,  the  cornerstones  of  community  and   Association exemplified its dedication to holistic
             faith, were not overlooked. AED 35.3 million (USD 9.6   societal betterment.
             million) was dedicated to the construction and upkeep

              02    Basic Drinking Water Supply

             In 2022, the Sharjah Charity Association accentuated   were drilled and constructed, providing countless
             its commitment to one of the most fundamental human   communities with access to life’s most vital resource.
             needs—access to clean drinking water. The Association,   Beyond wells, the Association’s endeavors extended
             recognizing the global water crisis, especially in Least   to the larger infrastructure required for sustainable
             Developed Countries (LDCs), channeled its resources   water solutions. This is evident in the establishment
             to significantly bolster the basic drinking water supply   and  maintenance of  11  desalination plants  in  Egypt,
             sector. A total of 25 countries were beneficiaries of   which play a crucial role in converting saline water to
             this  initiative, of  which  16 were  LDCs.  The  funding   potable water, especially vital for regions with limited
             earmarked  for  this  sector  accounted  for  nearly  20%   freshwater sources. Furthermore, the establishment
             of the Association’s annual budget, translating to an   of two comprehensive water network systems in
             impactful AED 46.0 million (USD 12.5 million).   Kyrgyzstan attests to the Association’s comprehensive
             Tajikistan, the Philippines, and Indonesia emerged as   approach, ensuring not just availability, but also
             the paramount recipients, highlighting the pressing   efficient distribution of clean water to the areas that
             water challenges in these regions. Through the   need  it  most.
             Association’s efforts, a  staggering 6,803  water wells

              03    Education

             In 2022, the Sharjah Charity Association underscored   it ensured the refurbishment of 19 existing classrooms,
             its unwavering commitment to advancing global    underlining the importance of not just creating, but
             education, earmarking a notable AED 12.6 million   maintaining educational facilities for sustained impact.
             (USD 3.4 million) to this pivotal sector. Their efforts   The construction and outfitting of 5 entirely new schools
             reverberated across 15  nations, with  a significant   bear testimony to the Association’s expansive vision
             focus on nine Least Developed Countries (LDCs),   for education, looking beyond immediate needs and
             which often face the greatest challenges in terms   focusing on long-term community upliftment. These
             of  educational  infrastructure  and  resources.  The   schools will serve as pillars of learning for generations to
             Association’s endeavors have had tangible, on-   come. The culmination of their educational infrastructure
             ground implications, marking a profound difference in   projects can be seen in the completion of an entire
             countless  communities.                          university, a testament to the Association’s foresight in
             An impressive 233 classrooms were not just built   supporting higher education and empowering youth to
             but also fully equipped, catering to the diverse and   achieve advanced academic and professional pursuits.
             holistic educational needs of students. This addition   In the same vein, maintaining a college building and
             is akin to bolstering the capacity of multiple schools,   equipping an educational institute further accentuates
             potentially impacting thousands of students. However,   the Sharjah Charity Association’s holistic approach to
             the Association’s understanding of the education   education, reinforcing its standing as a beacon of hope
             realm was not just limited to classroom construction;   and progress in the global education arena.
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