Page 160 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 160

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

              02    Water and Sanitation

             In  2022, Dar  Al Ber  Society  demonstrated its   gallons were set up.
             fervent commitment to addressing one of the      But the Society’s vision did not halt at water
             most  pressing  global  challenges  –  access  to   storage. Understanding the need for extensive
             clean  water  and  sanitation  –  by  prioritizing   distribution systems, they funded six projects
             the Water and Sanitation Sector as its second    aimed  at expanding  water networks,  ensuring
             largest funding recipient. Nearly 20% of its aid,   that potable water reached even the most remote
             equating to AED 46.8 million (USD 12.7 million),   areas. Complementing these infrastructure
             was directed towards initiatives in this sector,   projects were 10 distinct initiatives that focused
             extending its support to as many as 25 nations,   on the distribution of safe drinking water,
             notably including 14 LDCs.                       reinforcing the Society’s mission of ensuring
                                                              water accessibility to all.
             Diving  deeper  into  the  allocations,  99%  of
             the sector’s funds were channeled into a vital   While the lion’s share of attention and funding
             subsector: the Basic Drinking Water Supply.      was dedicated to water projects, the importance
             Spearheading the efforts in this domain were     of sanitation was not overlooked. Dar Al Ber
             expansive projects in India, Burkina Faso, and   Society’s footprint in the realm of sanitation
             Somalia. The scope of these projects reflects the   might seem modest in comparison, but its impact
             Society’s holistic approach to addressing water   was profound. India and Somalia witnessed the
             scarcity:  44  water  wells  were  drilled;  39  water   implementation of projects that addressed the
             pumps were installed to ensure a consistent      foundational need for basic sanitation facilities.
             water supply; and to store this essential resource,   By funding the construction of latrine projects in
             47 water tanks with capacities ranging from      these regions, the Society highlighted its holistic
             a modest 250 gallons to an impressive 2,000      understanding that clean water and proper
                                                              sanitation are two sides of the same coin in
                                                              ensuring a healthier community.
              03    Education

             In  2022,    recognizing  the   transformative   infrastructural but were also rooted in the day-to-
             power of education in reshaping societies and    day challenges students faced. Thus, in addition
             fortifying futures, the Dar Al Ber Society firmly   to subsidizing tuition fees, enabling hundreds
             placed global education at  the forefront of its   of primary school children to continue their
             philanthropic  endeavors.  A  substantial  10%  of   educational journey without financial burden,
             its aid, equivalent to AED 22.2 million (USD 6.0   the Society also addressed more granular needs.
             million), was channeled into this vital sector,   Thousands of students across these countries
             touching the lives of young learners across 30   were gifted school bags and uniforms, ensuring
             countries, with a notable emphasis on 16 Least   that  they  not only  had  access  to  education
             Developed  Countries (LDCs).  Among these        but  also the  necessary  resources  and  attire  to
             nations, Gambia, Somalia, and India emerged as   attend  school  with  dignity  and  pride.  Through
             the top beneficiaries of the Society’s educational   these measures, the Dar Al Ber Society not only
             initiatives.                                     championed the cause of education but also
             Dar Al Ber Society’s support in this domain      nurtured an environment where learning could
             was  multi-pronged. The  Society understood      thrive uninhibited by economic constraints.
             that the barriers to education weren’t merely
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