Page 158 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 158

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             For three consecutive years, Dar Al Ber Society   efforts.Recognizing the unparalleled advantage
             has maintained its position as the fifth-largest UAE   of collaboration, Dar Al Ber has placed immense
             donor, underscoring its unwavering commitment    trust in partnerships. A staggering 99% of its 2022
             to global development, humanitarian and          foreign aid projects were executed in collaboration
             charitable causes. In  the year  2022 alone,  the   with national NGOs and civil society institutions.
             Society channeled AED 256.9 million (USD 69.9    This collaborative model not only leverages the
             million)  towards  alleviating  global  challenges,   unique insights, understanding, and expertise of
             marking a growth trajectory that has witnessed   NGOs and CSOs but also ensures a more practical
             consistent  increases  since  2020.  The  year  2022   appreciation of on-the-ground realities, thereby
             was particularly notable, with a remarkable 16%   maximizing the impact of Dar Al Ber’s foreign aid.
             increase  compared  to  2021.                    Only a minimal 1% is reserved for direct project
                                                              implementation,  showcasing Dar  Al Ber’s  belief
             Casting a wide net of support, Dar Al Ber’s      in the power of collaborative endeavors. On the
             contributions benefitted a total of 34 developing   global  stage,  Egypt,  Burkina  Faso,  and  Somalia
             nations. In an embodiment of its mission to uplift   emerged as the principal beneficiaries, receiving
             the most vulnerable, Dar Al Ber strategically    over a quarter of 2022 foreign aid disbursements.
             allocated a lion’s share of its funding, nearly 60%
             or AED 149.9 million (USD 40.8 million), to 17   When  it comes  to  aligning  with the  global
             Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Furthermore,   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Dar
             the Society demonstrated keen attention to       Al Ber Society showcased its commitment by
             economic stratifications by channeling AED 95.0   supporting seven out of the 17 SDGs. Notably, its
             million  (USD  25.9  million)  to  one  low-income   primary  concentration revolved  around  SDGs 1
             and 11 lower-middle-income countries, further    (No Poverty), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), and
             illustrating its intricate understanding of global   11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), which
             disparities.                                     together  garnered  over  90%  of  its  total  2022
             With a discerning approach to aid disbursement,
             Dar Al Ber Society rely on grants as its exclusive   Looking at the broader picture, over the past five
             means of foreign aid funding. The Society’s 2022   years, from 2018-2022, Dar Al Ber’s commitment
             assistance  was  thoughtfully  categorized:  55%   to a better world is evident in the AED 912.6
             fueled global development initiatives, 42% catered   million (USD 248.5 million) it has disbursed in
             to charitable projects, while the remainder was   foreign aid.
             dedicated to humanitarian and emergency relief
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