Page 155 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 155

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             productivity and autonomy. Additionally, a testament   11.6 million (USD 3.2 million), ensuring timely financial
             to their holistic approach, the ICO financed 10 housing   support, clothing,  nourishment, and  other essential
             projects, gifting countless beneficiaries with the joy   humanitarian aid for beneficiaries. In a gesture that
             of a new home.Embracing the spirit of generosity   exemplified the spirit of Eid-al-Fitr, the celebratory
             during the Holy Month of Ramadan, the ICO sustained   feast marking the end of Ramadan, ICO ensured that
             its cherished tradition of charitable giving. The 2022   beneficiaries had the means to truly partake in the
             seasonal programme witnessed an investment of AED   festivities.

              02    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the Commodity Aid Sector emerged as the   the nations that benefited, Palestine, Lebanon, and
             second primary focus of the International Charity   Jordan stood out as the primary recipients, underlining
             Organization (ICO), drawing an allocation of AED 45.8   the pressing need and ICO’s responsiveness in these
             million (USD  12.5  million). This  considerable sum   regions.
             represents 17% of ICO’s total disbursements for that
             year, reflecting the organization’s commitment to   Conversely, the Emergency Multi-Sector Aid, although
             providing essential goods and immediate relief.  receiving a relatively smaller allocation of AED 8.8
             The Commodity Aid Sector encapsulates two critical   million (USD 2.4 million), played a crucial role in
             subsectors funded in 2022 by the ICO: Household Food   addressing emergent needs  in crisis-affected  areas.
             Security Programmes and Emergency Multi-Sector   This initiative encompassed a spectrum of emergency
             Aid.  The former  witnessed  a  significant  share  of  the   relief materials, including but not limited to non-food
             sector’s budget, with a significant AED 37.1 million   items, reaching out to vulnerable populations in five
             (USD 10.1 million) earmarked for it, which translates to   countries. The beneficiaries of this emergency aid
             an overwhelming 81% of the sector’s total funding. This   notably included Lebanon,  Sudan,  and  Palestine,
             dedicated program catered to 11 countries, ensuring   regions where immediate interventions can make a
             the timely delivery of tons of vital food items. Among   substantial difference in lives and livelihoods.

              03    Basic Drinking Water Supply

             In 2022, the International Charity Organization   water scarcity in underserved regions. These
             (ICO) strategically turned its attention to the Water   water-related interventions spanned across 12
             and Sanitation Sector, and specifically the Basic   countries, each selected based on pressing needs
             Drinking Water Supply Sub-sector, underscoring   and potential for impact. Among these nations,
             the universal significance of clean water access in   Senegal, Niger, and Indonesia emerged as the
             its foreign assistance initiatives. An allocation of   primary beneficiaries, bearing witness to the
             AED 20.2 million (USD 5.5 million) was earmarked   largest and most significant water projects funded
             for this vital sector, emphasizing its pivotal role in   by the ICO in 2022. Through these concentrated
             promoting health and sustainable development.    efforts, the ICO not only addressed immediate
             The primary thrust of the ICO’s endeavors within   water needs but also planted the seeds for long-
             this sector revolved around the drilling of water   term water security in these areas.
             wells, a sustainable solution aimed at alleviating
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