Page 151 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 151

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             directed  at  projects  focused  on  Basic  Drinking   water wells, the installation of over a dozen water
             Water Supply across 23 countries. Among these    pumps, the deployment of 15 community-centric
             beneficiaries, 14 are identified as Least Developed   water tanks, and the construction and outfitting
             Countries (LDCs). Notably, five of these LDCs also   of two advanced water desalination pumps.
             carry the added distinction of being land-locked
             developing countries (LLDCs). These LLDCs are    Further solidifying its responsive nature, the ERC
             particularly challenged due to their inherent lack   rapidly rolled out an emergency water project in
             of abundant surface water, which heightens       drought-afflicted  Somalia. In  Kenya,  they were
             their vulnerability not only to climate change   at  the  forefront  of  creating  a  comprehensive
             but also to water scarcity. The most substantial   water supply system, thereby addressing a
             projects within this framework were executed in   critical need. Additionally, in Mauritania, the ERC
             Kyrgyzstan, Mauritania, and Niger.               extended support for the renovation and upkeep
                                                              of a 500-meter dam in Aghlik Bayyah Village,
             The ERC’s initiatives within the basic drinking   emphasizing ERC’s dedication to ensuring
             water supply sector during 2022 were diverse and   enduring and sustainable water sources in regions
             impactful. Their projects led to the drilling of 50   most susceptible to water scarcity.
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