Page 149 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 149

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Allocation Insights

              01    Social Services

             In  2022,  the  Emirates  Red  Crescent  (ERC)   Additionally, financial reprieve reached thousands
             continued its pronounced emphasis on bolstering   of at-risk and vulnerable families. The ERC’s
             the Social Services Sector, earmarking a significant   strategic  funding not  only  secured immediate
             portion of its foreign assistance towards this   needs like food but also promoted activities
             critical sector.  Financial allocations dedicated   geared towards long-term financial sustainability.
             to  this  realm  –  which  encapsulates  endeavors   This took the form of support for small-scale
             from social welfare services to low-cost housing   enterprises such as retail outlets, tailoring
             projects – reached AED 354.3 million (USD 96.4   establishments, local farming initiatives, livestock
             million).    This  figure,  which  accounts  for  56%   provisions including sheep, goats, and cows, as
             of the ERC’s entire disbursements that year,     well as endeavors in fishing, honey production,
             underscores  ERC’s  unwavering  commitment  to   and horticultural nurseries. This holistic approach
             societal upliftment.                             was further exemplified by the ERC underwriting
                                                              medical expenses for impoverished families,
             The ERC’s ongoing mission has always been        ensuring warmth during colder months via
             intricately tied to enhancing the quality of life   blankets, heaters and clothing, and offering
             for the world’s most vulnerable populations.     monthly cash stipends to those most in need.
             This mission revolves around a multi-pronged
             approach: bridging societal divides, bolstering   In parallel with these expansive endeavors, the
             social inclusion, and ensuring that marginalized   UAE made tangible contributions to the housing
             communities, as well as individuals, are         domain, funding the construction of 128 affordable
             empowered with the resources and opportunities   homes in Pahang, Malaysia. True to its legacy of
             essential for a prosperous existence. Within the   charitable outreach, the ERC continued its time-
             Social Services  Sector,  two vital  subsectors—  honored tradition of giving during the Holy Month
             social welfare services and an assortment of     of Ramadan. In 2022, ERC’s seasonal programme
             basic social services—emerged as the mainstays   initiatives amounted to AED 18.5 million (USD 5.0
             of the ERC’s 2022 aid. Together, they commanded   million). A noteworthy exemplar of this program’s
             nearly 80% of the ERC’s sectoral contributions,   impact was in Yemen, where over seven million
             aggregating to a considerable AED 276.3 million   individuals across several Yemeni governorates—
             (USD 75.2 million).                              including Shabwa, Hadramwt, Taez, Hodeidah,
                                                              Aden, and Socotra—were beneficiaries. Just
             The efficacy of this substantial funding was vividly   in time for the Holy Month, recipients received
             seen in 2022. Through these resources, the ERC   clothing,  food, and  other  humanitarian  aid,
             extended its benevolent arm to support upwards   encapsulating the spirit of charity and community
             of 175,000  orphans. This  assistance enveloped   that Ramadan epitomizes. 21
             a wide spectrum of needs, ranging from annual
             expenditures within orphanages to pivotal health
             and education necessities.
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