Page 144 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 144

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             for Pakistan’s polio eradication program and AED   middle-income nations. This strategic investment
             36.7  million  (USD  10.0  million)  for  Indonesia’s   aims to bridge critical gaps by providing technical
             battle against tuberculosis underscored this     and financial support at national, regional, and
             commitment.                                      global tiers.Reiterating its allegiance to global
                                                              health alliances, the UAE earmarked AED 99.9
             Moreover, recognizing the importance of          million (USD 27.2 million) for the Global Fund. This
             international collaboration in healthcare, the UAE   gesture was emblematic of the UAE Government’s
             contributed a significant AED 73.5 million (USD   commitment to mitigating the threats posed by
             20.0 million) to the newly established Financial   HIV,  tuberculosis, and  malaria.  Through these
             Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Prevention,   nuanced health-centered endeavors in 2022,
             Preparedness, and Response (PPR). Championed     the UAE Government underscored a powerful
             by the World Bank and steered by the World       message: that health is not just an individual right
             Health Organization, this fund has an ambitious   but a collective endeavor.
             vision of fortifying PPR capabilities across low- and

              02    General Programme Assistance

             In 2022, the General Programme Assistance        commitment underscored the UAE’s strategic
             Sector emerged as a significant priority for the   intent to stabilize Yemen’s financial infrastructure,
             UAE Government, closely following the Health     recognizing the bank’s pivotal role in maintaining
             Sector in terms of funding. Investments in this   economic equilibrium and ensuring the country’s
             sector totaled a considerable AED 1.24 billion   resilience amidst prevailing challenges. Such
             (USD 338.1 million), constituting nearly one-third   targeted assistance not only reflects the UAE
             of that year’s disbursements. A notable aspect   Government’s    comprehensive    approach   to
             of this funding was its primary designation as   foreign aid but also its dedication to  fostering
             general budgetary support, with a predominant    stability and prosperity in the broader Middle East
             focus on fortifying the Central Bank of Yemen. This   region.

              03    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the UAE Government showcased its        Emergency food aid emerged as the cornerstone
             robust commitment to humanitarian causes         of  this  commitment,  securing  over  60%  of  the
             through significant investments in Commodity     total assistance designated for the Commodity
             Aid. This segment includes pivotal areas such    Aid sector. The AED 397.5 million (USD 108.2
             as  emergency food  aid, emergency  multi-       million) allocated for this purpose extended its
             sector aid, emergency shelter, non-food items    reach across 17 nations, with Ethiopia, Somalia,
             (NFIs), and household security programs. The     and Yemen taking priority in the allocation matrix.
             combined allocation to these projects amounted   Ethiopia’s dire need for sustenance aid led it to
             to AED 645.7 million (USD 175.8 million), which   receive a substantial portion of this assistance.
             constituted a significant 17% of the year’s total   Specifically,  over  60%  of  the  emergency  food
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