Page 143 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 143

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Allocation Insights

              01    Health

             In 2022, the UAE Government fortified its        hospital in Gbarpolu County. In the midst of
             commitment as a pivotal actor in the arena of    pressing global challenges, Jordan stands out
             global  health, designating  a significant  AED   as a beacon of hope for over 760,000 displaced
             1.27 billion (USD 344.4 million) towards health   individuals, offering them sanctuary from the
             initiatives. This represented over a third of its   turmoil in their native lands. Recognizing Jordan’s
             total foreign aid disbursements for the year. The   unwavering commitment to humanitarianism
             unforeseen challenges posed by the COVID-19      and the immense strain such an influx places
             pandemic demanded an immediate, substantial      on its health sector, the UAE extended a robust
             response. Rising to this challenge, the UAE      support package of AED 72.4 million (USD 19.7
             Government dedicated AED 551.5 million (USD      million) to Jordan’s emergency health sector.
             150.2 million), representing more than 40% of its   This assistance addressed the immediate need
             health sector funding, to COVID-19 control and   for essential medicines and medical supplies
             management.                                      but also shouldered the operational expenses of
                                                              field hospitals. Moreover, the UAE Government’s
             Central to this strategy was the establishment of   support went the extra mile by covering treatment
             four  specialized  field  hospitals  in  Tunisia,  Syria,   costs and, when necessary, underwriting the
             and Palestine. For instance, the Jendouba City in   expenses for transporting patients to more
             Tunisia saw the construction of a field hospital   specialized government hospitals.
             sprawled over an 11,400 sqm area, specifically
             designed to cater to COVID-19 patients. Syria    A rapid UAE response was also evident in
             benefited  from  hospitals  in  Aleppo  and  Homs,   Afghanistan, following a devastating earthquake.
             each furnished with 135 beds and furnished       A  commitment  of AED  55.1  million  (USD 15.0
             with medical equipment and essential medical     million) facilitated the deployment of a fully-
             supplies. In Palestine, a 215-bed facility in Gaza   equipped, 1,000 sqm mobile hospital, offering
             was set up to tend to the medical needs of its   immediate relief. This proactive stance extended
             residents. Complementing these  infrastructural   to other nations like Pakistan, where an 85-ton
             endeavors, the UAE ensured that over 3 million   consignment of medicines and medical equipment
             COVID-19 vaccine doses were made accessible      and  supplies  was  dispatched,  Palestine  with  85
             in countries like Ethiopia and Palestine.        tonnes, Ukraine with 31.3 tons, and Ethiopia
                                                              with a considerable 181.4 tons, underscoring
             Beyond the pandemic’s immediate requirements,    the breadth and depth of the UAE Government’s
             the   UAE    Government     concentrated   on    health-centric contributions.
             emergency health initiatives, earmarking AED
             319.7 million (USD 87.0 million), or a quarter of   Furthermore,  the UAE  Government’s vision  in
             its health sector budget, for this purpose. Liberia,   global health transcended immediate crises. An
             struggling with the compounded effects of the    allocation of AED 283.9 million (USD 77.3 million)
             pandemic, became a primary focus, receiving      was channeled towards the broader spectrum
             AED 73.5 million (USD 20.0 million). This funding   of infectious disease and tuberculosis control.
             catalyzed the development of a comprehensive     A dedicated AED 73.8 million (USD 20.1 million)
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