Page 141 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 141

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Figure (30): Funds Disbursed                                 by Assistance Category
             by Sector                                                    (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

               General budget support  Education policy and administration
               300.0  29%              45.7  4%                                        USD
               COVID-19 control        Infectious disease control                   1,030.4
               150.2  15%              40.1  4%

               Emergency food aid      Tuberculosis control                           million
               108.2  11%              37.2  4%
               Emergency health        Emergency multi-sector aid
               87.0  8%                35.6   3%
                                                                            Development     765.3  74.2%
               Public sector policy and   Others
               administration          176.8  17%                                           262.5  25.5%
               49.5  5%                                                     Humanitarian
                                                                            Charity         2.6    0.3%
             By Country

             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)
                                                               3%  30.0
                                                          Tunisia             5%  46.5
                                                          1%  15.0
                                                                                    2%  18.6
                             Others                    Liberia                       Pakistan
                                                               7%  67.0             6% 60.5
                          21%  216.4                  2%  20.0               Yemen
                                                                           36% 369.2
                                                            16% 168.4      Somalia
             by SDG                                                        2%  18.7
             (In USD millions, and as % of total, 2022)

                                                                                           364.7   35%
                         Goal 17: PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS
                                                                                           326.2   32%
                         Goal 3: GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
                                                                                           128.8   12%
                                     Goal 2: ZERO HUNGER
                                                                                            97.5    9%
                                      Goal 1: NO POVERTY
                                                                                            58.7    6%
                                 Goal 4: QUALITY EDUCATION
                                                                                            12.0    1%
                                  Goal 5: GENDER EQUALITY                                   11.0    1%
                                                                                             9.5    1%
                       Goal 7: AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY
                  Goal 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES                                8.3    1%
                                     Goal 15: LIFE ON LAND                                   4.6   0.5%
                                   Goal 13: CLIMATE ACTION                                   4.5   0.4%

                   Goal 8: DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH                                   2.9   0.3%
                         Goal 6: CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION                                  1.2   0.1%
                                 Goal 14: LIFE BELOW WATER                                   0.2  0.02%
             Goal 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION                                 0.1  0.01%
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