Page 142 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 142

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the UAE’s foreign aid commitments, as   In terms of execution, bilateral assistance to
             reflected in this report, encompassed generous   sovereign governments, which encapsulates
             contributions from an array of UAE’s local and   direct partnerships, formed the crux of
             federal  government  bodies.  In  addition  to  The   contributions,  accounting  for  over  half  of  the
             Government of the United Arab Emirates,  this    2022 UAE Government’s foreign assistance.
             diverse list included prominent entities such as   This substantial share highlights the emphasis
             the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable   the UAE places on collaborating directly with
             Activities, the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi,   beneficiary governments to achieve their unique
             Ministry of Cabinet Affairs and the Future, Ministry   development  priorities.
             of Culture, Youth and Community Development,
             Ministry of Environment and Climate Change,      AED  197.7  million  (USD  53.8  million)  was
             Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization,   allocated for technical assistance, facilitating a
             Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs,  National  Center  of   two-way flow of expertise and experience.
             Meteorology, Sharjah Awqaf General Trust,
             UAE  Armed  Forces,  UAE-Pakistan  Assistance    Highlighting  specific  beneficiaries,  Yemen,
             Programme,  and  the  UAE  Relief  Team.         Ethiopia, and Palestine emerged as primary
                                                              recipients  in 2022.  Combined,  they were
             Collectively, these contributions, termed as ‘UAE   the  focus  of  nearly  60%  of  the  total  UAE
             Government’ for the purposes of this report,     Government  foreign assistance.  In  the arena
             amounted to a substantial AED 3.78 billion (USD   of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the
             1.03 billion), benefitting 43 countries and various   UAE Government’s financial efforts were heavily
             multi-country programmes in 2022. Consistent     aligned with SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals),
             with its commitment to uplift the world’s most   SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and SDG 2
             vulnerable  populations,  nearly  59%  of  this  aid   (Zero Hunger), collectively comprising nearly 80%
             (AED 2.23 billion or USD 607.4 million) was      of the total 2022 disbursements aimed at global
             funneled towards 15 Least Developed Countries    developmental    objectives.
             (LDCs). Additionally, ten lower middle-income
             nations and one low-income nation received       Over the past half-decade, from 2018-2022,
             significant aid, capturing 21% of the 2022 total,   the UAE Government’s foreign aid portfolio,
             which translates to AED 778.6 million (USD 212.0   amounting to AED 25.50 billion (USD 6.94 billion),
             million). Four Small Island Developing States    has primarily been structured as grants. A notable
             (SIDS), with one being an LDC, were allocated    deviation in 2022 was the support extended to
             AED 3.6 million (USD 1.0 million), while the     Yemen’s Central Bank, which took the form of a
             remainder of the aid predominantly supported     concessional loan.
             other developing countries and multi-country

             Analyzing  the  nature  of  the  aid,  development-
             centric  initiatives  claimed  74%  of  the  UAE
             Government’s foreign aid, with another quarter
             directed towards global humanitarian and
             emergency relief efforts, while a smaller fraction
             was set  aside for charitable  endeavors.
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