Page 138 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 138

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             For half a decade, the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development   approach but also its dedication to working alongside
             (ADFD)  has  consistently  stood  out  as  the  UAE’s   recipient governments and local leaders in realizing
             predominant foreign aid donor. Entrusted with the   their nation’s development aspirations. In addition, a
             monumental  task  of  disbursing  funds  on  behalf  of   portion of the 2022 allocation enabled partner nations
             the UAE Government, ADFD’s contribution in 2022   to spearhead projects directly, epitomized by the AED
             surpassed half of the UAE’s total foreign aid, amounting   3.0 million (USD 0.8 million) in technical assistance to
             to an impressive AED 6.58 billion (USD 1.79 billion).   the Government of Guinea, a strategic effort to elevate
             This vast network of support extended to 43 countries,  the efficacy of its governance and public service
             encapsulating 35 LDCs and eight SIDS.            delivery.

             The funding methodology of the ADFD in 2022 is   In a year-on-year analysis, 2022’s disbursements
             meticulously strategized, with nearly a quarter of the   of  the  ADFD  showcased  a  substantial  25%  growth
             total allocation disbursed as grants, while the remainder   over the previous year. Over the course of five years,
             takes the form of concessional loans. A significant 99%   the cumulative financial disbursements from ADFD
             of ADFD’s 2022 foreign aid budget was channeled   reached an astounding AED 55.67 billion (USD 15.16
             towards development assistance, solidifying ADFD’s   billion). 29% of this was extended as grants, with the
             role as a pivotal development partner. A solitary   remainder allocated as concessional loans.
             deviation from this trend was the humanitarian gesture   Geographically in 2022, Jordan, Serbia, and Maldives
             towards Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, extending   emerged as top beneficiaries, collectively absorbing
             support to both the displaced population and their   over  78%  of  ADFD’s  total  disbursements.  On  the
             Colombian hosts.                                 SDGs front, SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals), SDG
             Diving deeper into the implementation specifics,   11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 9
             bilateral  assistance  to  sovereign  governments  (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) dominated
             represented over 76% of ADFD’s contributions for that   the funding efforts, jointly accounting for over 93% of
             year. This not only underscores the ADFD’s collaborative   the ADFD’s total assistance in 2022 directed towards
                                                              global developmental targets.
             Allocation Insights

               01   General Programme Assistance Sector

             In 2022, ADFD’s continued commitment to the       ranging from  poverty mitigation  initiatives, and
             General Programme Assistance Sector remained      ensuring consistent governmental service provision, to
             strong, mirroring its dedication from previous years.   the intricate execution of macro-economic strategies
             This  sector  stood  out  as  the  predominant  recipient   and reforms.
             of ADFD’s foreign aid, absorbing 79% of the ADFD’s
             total foreign aid disbursements for that year. Out of   Further amplifying its impact, ADFD also forged a
             the AED 5.17 billion (USD 1.41 billion) in funding for   collaboration with the Lives and Livelihoods Fund—a
             this  sector,  an  overwhelming  AED  4.99  billion  (USD   noteworthy initiative that has poured over USD 1.4
             1.36 billion) was funneled as general budget support   billion into developmental causes since its inception in
             to nations including Albania, Ethiopia, Jordan, Serbia,   2016. In 2022 alone, the ADFD supported the Fund with
             and South Sudan. This substantial financial assistance   a contribution of AED 32.1 million (USD 8.7 million)
             is predominantly  unearmarked, granting beneficiary   towards multi-country projects. This alliance with the
             governments the latitude to allocate these resources   Lives and Livelihoods Fund has borne tangible results:
             as per their unique national development plans. These   it has catalyzed enhanced productivity for upwards of
             allocations encompass a wide spectrum of objectives,
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