Page 134 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 134

United Arab Emirates
                 United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


                   The UAE’s foreign assistance landscape     is categorized based on the UAE donor
                   is a testament to the nation’s wide-       entity that either funded or implemented
                   ranging efforts to fostering global peace   the respective foreign assistance project.
                   and prosperity. This commitment draws      While contributions from the UAE private
                   strength from a diverse group of Emirati   sector are consolidated under the banner of
                   stakeholders referred to in this report as   the implementing UAE donor entity, there
                   UAE Donors. This group encompasses an      is an exception for the donations accrued
                   array of entities from various segments    through fundraising activities orchestrated
                   of the UAE society, from local and federal   by the International Humanitarian City
                   government bodies to Non-Governmental      (IHC). These specific contributions are
                   Organizations. Furthermore, UAE-based      distinctively listed under ‘Private Sector and
                   businesses, humanitarian organizations,    Individuals’, offering a clear perspective on
                   and both charitable and philanthropic      the multifaceted nature of the UAE’s aid
                   foundations form a crucial part of this    infrastructure.
                   consortium. With over 40 donor entities
                   actively involved, the depth of the
                   UAE’s dedication to global sustainable
                   development becomes evident.

                   Delving into the specifics, Section 5
                   of the report delineates the foreign aid
                   contributions by each of these UAE donors
                   in 2022. It is essential to note that the data
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