Page 130 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 130

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Allocation Insights

             In 2022, the UAE’s efforts to supporting Sudan was evident not just in monetary contributions but also in the
             hands-on involvement of UAE donors, who took a direct role in implementing most of the projects in Sudan.
             Collaboration was a hallmark of the UAE’s approach, as the UAE joined forces with four local Sudanese NGOs to
             channel AED 13.5 million (USD 3.7 million), largely towards charitable and social service initiatives. Notably, the
             Sudanese Wildlife Society also garnered support from the UAE, receiving funding for a project aimed at conserving

              01    Social Services

             The UAE continued its tradition of supporting the social   emphasizing unwavering commitment to fostering
             services sector in Sudan, allocating AED 53.6 million   well-being in Sudan.
             (USD 14.6 million) primarily to uplift the society’s most
             vulnerable factions, particularly orphans, the elderly,   Meanwhile, over 100 students had their educational
             and individuals with special needs. This altruism was   expenses covered, ensuring uninterrupted academic
             tangibly realized as the UAE championed the cause of   pursuits.  Additionally,  the  salaries  of  nearly  750
             over 6,000 orphans and extended financial sustenance   teachers and 36 doctors were sponsored, reiterating
             to more than 4,000 families.  These efforts also included   the UAE’s commitment to sustaining essential services
             covering the medical expenses for numerous patients,   in Sudan.

              02    Commodity Aid

             In  2022, the  UAE’s dedication  to  humanitarian   shelter solutions, the UAE also undertook a housing
             assistance in Sudan was particularly evident in its   initiative that culminated in the construction of 200
             contributions to the Commodity Aid sector, receiving   homes, specifically designed to accommodate families
             AED 41.6 million (USD 11.3 million) in disbursements.   adversely affected by the rampant flooding in Sudan.
             A  dominant  81%  of  these  funds  were  channelled  to
             emergency and relief initiatives spanning multiple   Complementing their multi-sector aid projects, the
             sectors. Notably, the UAE’s efforts facilitated the   UAE further underscored its dedication to battling
             delivery of 380 tons of emergency food aid, a crucial   food scarcity in the region. Through the establishment
             lifeline in times of crisis. Additionally, 4.5 tons of   of five air bridges, 8,550 food parcels were efficiently
             lifesaving medicines and vital medical equipment   delivered, ensuring that those in dire need had access
             and supplies were dispatched to cater to the health   to essential sustenance, while emphasizing the UAE’s
             needs of the affected population, along with a massive   unwavering commitment to alleviating hunger in crisis-
             consignment of 1,700 tons of diverse emergency relief   stricken areas of Sudan.
             items.  Notably, many of these materials were sourced
             directly from Sudan’s local markets, thereby supporting
             the domestic economy while aiding those in dire need.
             Addressing the pressing need for emergency shelter,
             the  UAE mounted  an extensive  operation that
             deployed nearly 1,500 tents, weighing in at 90 tons,
             using  three  dedicated  aircraft.  Beyond  temporary
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