Page 128 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 128

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


             Located in the northeastern part of Africa, Sudan has a rich tapestry of cultures and landscapes, from the Red
             Sea coastline in the east to the vast Saharan expanses in the north.  In recent years, Sudan has faced a myriad of
             challenges threatening its developmental trajectory and the well-being of its citizens. As of 2022, humanitarian
             organizations have identified an alarming 14.3 million people, accounting for 30% of Sudan’s population, in dire
             need of humanitarian aid. The severity of the situation is further underscored by the fact that nearly 9.1 million
             among them face life-threatening needs, jeopardizing their physical and mental well-being.
             Sudan’s prolonged and multifaceted conflicts have been largely centered in regions like Darfur, Kordofan, and

             Blue Nile. These areas, bearing the scars of
             strife that spanned nearly two decades, are
             now home to over three million internally
             displaced people (IDPs). Their displacement
             stands as a somber testament to the
             localised conflicts that have raged over the
             past 17 years, further compounding Sudan’s             USD    37.9 million
             existing challenges of hunger, health, and
             overall development. 20
             While  the  nation’s  resilient  spirit  remains
             undiminished, the palpable needs for food
             security, health infrastructure, emergency
             relief,  and  sustainable  development
             solutions  underscore  the  crucial  role  of
             international cooperation and assistance
             in aiding Sudan’s journey towards a more
             prosperous and stable future.

             Aid Allocation Overview
                                                                                                                                                                      Emirates Red Crescent
             In 2022, Sudan notably featured as one of the principal beneficiaries of the UAE’s foreign assistance, receiving a
                                                                                                                                                             International Charity Organization
             significant disbursement of AED 139.1 million (USD 37.9 million). Notably, the entirety of this sum was disbursed
             as grants, reflecting the non-conditional and altruistic nature of the UAE’s support. Dissecting this assistance                                            Dar Al Ber Society
             further, the bulk of the aid, at 49%, was earmarked for development initiatives. Another 36% was dedicated to                                    Abu Dhabi Fund for Development
             address immediate emergency needs, while the remaining funds catered to charitable endeavors.                                               Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation

                                                                                                                                                                  Sharjah Charity Association
             Over the span of the previous five years, from 2018-2022, Sudan has not only been a consistent feature but also
             a predominant presence in the UAE’s foreign aid landscape. Notably, in 2020, Sudan topped the list of recipients.                       UAE Educational Institutions and Academies
             The cumulative aid extended by the UAE to Sudan during this half-decade reached an impressive AED 6.31 billion                                    International Humanitarian City
             (USD 1.72 billion).  It is also worth noting that throughout this half-decade window, all UAE-supported projects      Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
             in Sudan, be they developmental, humanitarian, or charitable, have been predominantly grant-based. One single
             exception is the bilateral assistance package of AED 918.3 million (USD 250.0 million) provided in 2019 to fortify
                                                                                                                                  Ahmed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
             Sudan’s Central Bank.
                                                                                                                                                  Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
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