Page 127 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 127

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance

              02    Health

             In 2022, health emerged as a dominant area of the UAE’s   In collaboration with global partners, the UAE further
             support for Ethiopia, ranking as the second-highest   amplified its impact. AED 22.0 million (USD 6.0 million)
             funded sector and receiving 42% of the UAE’s total aid   contribution,  routed  through  the  Famine  Relief  Fund,
             to the nation, amounting to AED 283.3 million (USD   was  made  to  UNICEF’s  humanitarian  initiatives  in
             77.1 million). The pressing global concern of COVID-19   Ethiopia. This financial boost empowered UNICEF
             was clearly reflected in the UAE’s allocations, with a   to  acquire  vital  therapeutic  food,  a  lifeline  for  many
             significant 78% of this health-focused aid, dedicated to   children on the brink of severe malnutrition.
             tackling the pandemic. This strategic funding ensured
             the delivery of over 2 million COVID-19 vaccine doses   As part of UNICEF’s immediate response in Ethiopia,
             to Ethiopia, marking a pivotal step in the nation’s battle   their outreach aims to assist an estimated 3.4 million
             against the virus.                               Ethiopians,  of  which  1.4  million  were  children.
                                                              Between  January to  May  2022, their  proactive  ‘Find
             In  addition to  pandemic-related support,  the UAE   and Treat’ nutrition campaign in drought-stricken
             channeled AED 39.4 million (USD 10.7 million) to   regions successfully treated over 75,000 children for
             Ethiopia’s emergency health sector. This injection of   severe malnutrition. 19
             funds enabled the provision of more than 180 tons of
             essential medicines, medical equipment, and supplies,   The UAE’s healthcare interventions were not limited
             thereby strengthening  medical response capabilities,   to these areas. The UAE’s commitment to maternal
             especially in critical regions like Tigray and the capital,   and infant health was evident in projects that supplied
             Addis Ababa.                                     a month’s worth of infant formula milk to numerous
                                                              mothers and infants. Additionally, the UAE embarked
                                                              on endeavors focused on eye care and the eradication
                                                              of trachoma, further underscoring its comprehensive
                                                              approach to healthcare in Ethiopia.
              03    Other Sectors

             Beyond its significant contributions to commodity aid   Furthermore, understanding the indispensable role of
             and health initiatives, the UAE broadened its support   water in human health and agricultural productivity, the
             to various other sectors in Ethiopia, underlining   UAE championed initiatives in Ethiopia to enhance water
             its comprehensive commitment to the nation’s     accessibility. Projects centered on the construction
             development. One such domain was Ethiopia’s agro-  of water wells and pumps were funded, ensuring a
             industries sector, which received a substantial boost   more sustainable water supply for local communities.
             with an allocation of AED 24.0 million (USD 6.5 million)   Beyond these infrastructural interventions, the UAE
             in grant funding from the UAE. This disbursement is   also facilitated the provision of clean drinking water,
             a testament to the UAE’s recognition of the sector’s   thus directly contributing to improving the health and
             potential  in  transforming  Ethiopia’s  economy,  wellbeing of countless Ethiopians.
             enhancing food security, and creating employment
             opportunities.                                   In 2018, the UAE’s foreign aid initiatives in Ethiopia
                                                              underscored its  dedication  to fostering  development,
             Infrastructure development also featured prominently   health, and humanitarian relief in the region. Through
             in the UAE’s support. The Gedo-Fincha-Lemlem     strategic disbursements, the nation aimed to uplift
             Bareha road project, an integral initiative for improving   Ethiopia’s socio-economic landscape and address
             connectivity and fostering economic growth in the   critical challenges. This commitment reflects the UAE’s
             region, continued to benefit from the UAE’s financial   broader vision of supporting sustainable progress and
             backing.                                         fostering global partnerships for a better future.
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