Page 126 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 126

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Allocation Insights

             In 2022, the UAE’s aid delivery to Ethiopia was strategically channeled to maximize impact and reach. Almost
             half  of  this  aid,  precisely  46%,  was  routed  through  bilateral  assistance  directly  to  the  Ethiopian  government,
             underscoring the strong diplomatic ties and mutual trust between the two nations. This direct aid, amounting to
             AED 305.8 million (USD 83.3 million), was predominantly earmarked for crucial food and health initiatives, aiming
             to address some of Ethiopia’s most pressing humanitarian challenges.

             Simultaneously, the UAE tapped into the operational strengths and field expertise of key multilateral organizations.
             Together, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Programme (WFP), and the United Nations
             High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) were allocated nearly 40% of the UAE’s development and humanitarian
             assistance to Ethiopia in 2022, aggregating to a significant AED 260.8 million (USD 71.0 million). This collaboration
             accentuated  the  UAE’s  commitment  to  leveraging  the  global  reach  and  specialized  capabilities  of  these  UN
             agencies to amplify the impact of its assistance.

             Furthermore, in a nod to the importance of diversified and grassroots-level engagement, the UAE also collaborated
             with two renowned international NGOs - the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International
             Medical Corps. Entrusted with a combined funding of AED 45.2 million (USD 12.3 million), these organizations
             played pivotal roles in rolling out food and nutrition projects, ensuring that aid penetrated even the remotest and
             most vulnerable communities in Ethiopia.

              01    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the UAE demonstrated a pronounced emphasis   Simultaneously, the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, in
             on Ethiopia’s commodity aid sector, which emerged as   conjunction with its partners, leveraged AED 18.4 million
             the nation’s most generously supported sector by the   (USD 5.0 million) contribution from the UAE to furnish
             UAE, receiving 49% of the UAE’s foreign assistance to   food and nutritional support to over 740,000 refugees
             Ethiopia. This translated to a significant disbursement   in Ethiopia. This funding, also extended through the
             of AED 329.6 million (USD 89.7 million), with the   Famine Relief Fund, ensured consistent monthly food
             overwhelming  majority,  around  80%,  being  funneled   distributions  for  these  refugees.  Moreover,  it  also
             directly into emergency food aid. This robust assistance   enabled the UNHCR to implement specialized nutrition
             culminated in the delivery of over 500 tons of essential   programmes that serve nearly 38,000 children aged
             food items, underlining the UAE’s determination to   between 6 to 23 months and over 27,000 expectant
             combat hunger and malnutrition in Ethiopia.      and nursing mothers. 18

             Spearheading this initiative, the UAE forged a pivotal   Complementing these initiatives, the multi-sector aid
             alliance with the World Food Programme (WFP).    component witnessed the provision of nearly 50 tons
             Funds provided by the UAE, amounting to AED 220.4   of emergency relief items, further solidifying the UAE’s
             million (USD 60.0 million), routed through the Famine   comprehensive humanitarian footprint in Ethiopia.
             Relief Fund, empowered the WFP to sustain its critical
             operations, especially in Ethiopia’s conflict-stricken
             northern regions like Tigray, Afar, and Amhara. This
             funding ensured that food distributions reached an
             astounding 1.6 million individuals in these areas,
             addressing their pressing food requirements. 17
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