Page 121 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 121

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance

              03    Health Sector

             In 2022, the health sector emerged as the third-  Furthermore, in collaboration with the Famine Relief
             highest priority in Yemen for UAE’s foreign assistance,   Fund, the UAE extended its support to the International
             receiving a significant allocation of AED 69.1 million   Medical Corps for the execution of an emergency
             (USD 18.8 million). This funding was channeled   nutrition services project. Set in the southwestern
             predominantly towards reinforcing Yemen’s basic   regions of Yemen — particularly in the Al Dhale’e, Lahj,
             health infrastructure and addressing urgent medical   and Taiz governorates — this initiative was designed to
             needs.  The tangible impact of this allocation was   serve the communities most in need. With a mission to
             evident in the rehabilitation and re-equipping of   avert the long-term impacts of malnutrition on children,
             several hospitals, notably in the Shawba Governorate   this project sought to protect over 9,000 young lives.
             and Mocha city. The UAE’s aid efforts in Yemen also   Moreover, it aimed at enhancing the nutritional well-
             encompassed nuanced  healthcare  interventions like   being of pregnant and lactating women, particularly
             supporting treatments for non-communicable diseases   in southern Yemen, an area severely impacted by the
             and  aiding  the  recovery  journey  for  cancer  patients.  escalating food security crisis. 15

              04    Urban Development and Housing Sectors

             In 2022, the UAE made significant investments in urban   initiatives, an additional AED 25.0 million (USD 6.8
             development and housing sectors to uplift Yemen,   million) was earmarked for a significant housing
             disbursing a total of AED 89.5 million (USD 24.4   project,  bestowing  hundreds  of  Yemeni  citizens  with
             million).  Of this amount, AED 27.0 million (USD 7.4   the security and comfort of homes. Across Yemen, the
             million) went towards constructing a comprehensive   UAE maintained its commitment to fortifying essential
             residential city in Mocha. This initiative entailed the   utilities, allocating AED 35.0 million (USD 9.5 million)
             establishment of 100 housing units, a school to foster   to bolster electricity, water, and fuel provisions—critical
             education, a commercial market to stimulate local   elements for the country’s resilience and progress.
             trade, and a mosque for spiritual needs.

             Furthermore, in Qaf Al-Awamer District within the
             Hadramout  Governorate,  the  UAE  continued  its
             robust construction projects valued at AED 2.5 million
             (USD  0.7  million).  These  funds  not  only  facilitated
             the  construction  of  distinct  housing  units  and  two
             separate schools for boys and girls, but also supported
             the development of a recreational and sports zone,
             a crucial water tank, and a mosque. On top of these
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