Page 118 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 118

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022


             Yemen, situated at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, has been in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, marked
             by prolonged conflict, collapsing infrastructure, hunger, and significant health challenges. The conflict in Yemen
             has resulted in the displacement of millions.

             According to the United Nation’s Yemen Humanitarian Needs Overview 2022 analysis, an estimated 23.4 million
             people in Yemen require humanitarian assistance.  A vast majority of Yemen’s population is confronting food
             insecurity, with  children particularly at
             risk of malnutrition and its associated
             complications. The agriculture sector, which
             was once Yemen’s lifeline, has been deeply
             affected, leading to dwindling crop outputs
             and exorbitant food prices. Yemen’s fragile
             health infrastructure grapples with various
             challenges, from outbreaks of preventable             USD   391.4 million
             diseases such as cholera to a critical shortage
             of medical provisions and functional health
             centers. This grim situation is further
             exacerbated by a dire lack of access to clean
             water and sanitation facilities.

             Aid Allocation Overview
             In 2022, Yemen benefitted from 11% of the UAE’s total foreign assistance, amounting to AED 1.44 billion (USD
             391.4 million). This allocation marked a significant 50% increase from the preceding year. Of this aid, 23% was
             disbursed as grants, while the balance was extended as concessional loans. Analyzing the distribution of this
             assistance, the UAE earmarked over 90% for Yemen’s developmental initiatives. In contrast, humanitarian support
             constituted 7%, with the remaining funds designated for philanthropic contributions.

             Yemen has held a consistent position amongst the top beneficiaries of the UAE’s foreign assistance, securing its
             place within the top five recipients annually over the last five years. The only exception to this trend was in 2019,
             when Yemen was ranked sixth.

             Over this five-year window, from 2018-2022, the cumulative foreign aid channeled to Yemen from the UAE reached
             AED 14.20 billion (USD 3.86 billion). A predominant portion of this, 92% to be exact, was extended in the form of
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