Page 122 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 122

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

              05    Social Services

             In 2022, the UAE demonstrated a significant      their monthly expenses within orphanages were fully
             commitment to bolstering Yemen’s social services sector   covered. Moreover, the UAE’s contributions extended
             by allocating a substantial AED 48.0 million (USD 13.1   beyond direct financial assistance. The provision and
             million) towards its enhancement. This financial support   delivery of 189 ambulances demonstrated the UAE’s
             underscored the UAE’s dedication to bettering the lives   comprehensive approach to addressing multifaceted
             of Yemen’s most vulnerable. A significant portion of   challenges, reinforcing its role as a pivotal partner in
             these funds was channeled towards social welfare   Yemen’s quest for sustainable social development and
             services. A poignant testament to this commitment   well-being.
             was the sponsorship of over 3,000 orphans, ensuring

              06    Transport Sector

             The transport sector in Yemen witnessed significant   ties between these regions. Additionally, the UAE
             investments from the UAE, particularly aimed at   recognized the importance of maritime connectivity for
             improving its road transport infrastructure. A prime   Yemen and thus, generously funded the rehabilitation
             example of this AED 45.5 million (USD 12.4 million)   and  maintenance of  the Mocha  Port.  This initiative
             grant  is  the  construction  of  the  Al-Kadha  Road,  a   underscores the UAE’s vision of ensuring that Yemen
             critical  artery connecting  Taiz to  Mocha City.  This   remains both land and sea-connected, fostering trade,
             infrastructural enhancement not only facilitates   communication, and overall development.
             smoother transit but also strengthens socio-economic

              07    Education

             In 2022, the education sector in Yemen witnessed an   Equally notable was the delivery of over 600 laptops
             infusion of AED 24.5 million (USD 6.7 million) from   to various universities and educational institutions, an
             the UAE, underlining the importance of nurturing an   endeavor that sought to bridge the digital divide and
             educated and informed generation even in challenging   introduce students to the world of e-learning and cutting-
             circumstances. These funds were methodically     edge resources. On a grassroots level, approximately
             allocated to catalyze a multifaceted enhancement   3,500 school bags and a significant 16.2 tons of school
             of  Yemen’s  educational  landscape.  Prioritizing  supplies were distributed, ensuring that every child,
             infrastructure, a series of initiatives were rolled out   regardless of  their socio-economic  background, had
             focusing on the comprehensive development of schools.   the essential tools to pursue education. Additionally,
             These endeavors encompassed the construction and   the scholarship programs further underscored the
             outfitting of schools, complemented by the addition   UAE’s  commitment  to  Yemen’s  future  by  supporting
             of recreational and sports facilities, theatres, and extra   deserving  university  students,  fostering  a  culture  of
             classrooms. Such holistic enhancements aimed to   academic excellence and ambition.
             lay a solid foundation for an enriched and conducive
             learning environment.
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