Page 120 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
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United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Allocation Insights

             In 2022, examining the channels of implementation reveals that a substantial 77% of the UAE’s foreign aid to Yemen
             was facilitated through bilateral assistance, directly benefiting the Government of Yemen. Conversely, 22% of the
             aid was directly dispensed by UAE donors, highlighting a diverse strategy in ensuring the effective distribution and
             utilization of assistance in line with Yemen’s developmental needs.

              01    General Budget Support

             Bilateral assistance in the form of general budget support constituted a significant portion of the UAE’s 2022
             assistance to Yemen, representing 77% of the total. A key highlight within this category was the AED 1.10 billion
             (USD 300.0 million) earmarked to bolster Yemen’s Central Bank. This support was part of a collaborative initiative
             announced in April 2022. Both the UAE and Saudi Arabia pledged to contribute to a combined fund amounting
             to AED 7.35 billion (USD 2.00 billion). The primary objective of this fund was to fortify the Yemeni economy,
             enhancing access to essential services and mitigating the intensifying economic predicament.

              02    Commodity Aid

             In Yemen, the Commodity Aid Sector has been of   also had the added advantage of bolstering the local
             paramount importance, especially given the nation’s   economy. Adding to this logistical feat, the UAE sent
             pressing needs. This sector, a vital component of   out 13 ships loaded with 100,000 parcels of food items
             the humanitarian assistance landscape, saw the   to Yemen’s shores, ensuring timely and widespread
             UAE channel a significant portion of its aid, with the   relief.
             emphasis on  emergency provisions, multi-sectoral
             aid, and the overarching banner of food security   In parallel, the multi-sector aid initiatives revealed
             programmes. In financial terms, the sector was   the UAE’s integrated approach to assistance. Nearly
             allocated AED 76.0 million (USD 20.7 million) in 2022.   200 vehicles were procured to bolster the mobility
             Delving deeper into this assistance, a substantial 81%,   and outreach of local communities. Recognizing the
             or AED 61.4 million (USD 16.7 million) was specifically   unique challenges of Yemen’s more remote regions,
             earmarked for emergency food aid.                especially  the nomadic  and Bedouin  areas  in the
                                                              Hadramout Governorate, the UAE’s efforts extended
             The UAE’s interventions in the food aid sector are   beyond the conventional, delivering crucial amenities
             both expansive and intricate. Beneficiaries across   like water tanks and portable toilets to benefit 81
             Yemen received approximately 124,000 boxes filled   families. Furthermore, in a blend of cultural sensitivity
             with  essential food items  and dates.  Furthermore,   and humanitarian care, 165,000 families found solace
             the distribution of 250,000 food baskets stands as a   in the form of Eid clothing, a gesture that ensured
             testament to the UAE’s holistic approach.  What’s   the preservation of festive spirits amidst adversities,
             particularly noteworthy is that a segment of these   nurturing the cultural and emotional well-being of the
             food baskets was sourced directly from Yemen’s local   Yemeni  people.
             markets. This not only facilitated immediate relief but
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