Page 131 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 131

Section 04
                                                                               Geographical Focus of UAE Assistance

              03    Other Sectors

             In 2022, the United Arab Emirates displayed a steadfast   supply. Additionally, in the east and west of Darfur, a
             commitment to addressing key developmental       significant initiative was undertaken to drill water wells,
             challenges in Sudan, focusing on pivotal sectors such   leading to the establishment of 14 vital water stations.
             as health, education and basic drinking water supply.  These  efforts  not  only  addressed  immediate  water
                                                              needs but also laid the groundwork for long-term water
             Within the healthcare sphere, the UAE earmarked   sustainability in the region.
             AED 19.2 million (USD 5.2 million) for transformative
             projects. A prime testament to this commitment   In 2022, the UAE’s commitment to Sudan was palpably
             was the construction and comprehensive equipping   evident through its substantial foreign aid contributions.
             of the Kassala Hospital, a vital institution to cater to   The assistance provided not only catered to immediate
             the medical needs of the region. Beyond this major   humanitarian needs but also paved the way for long-
             health facility, several clinics and healthcare centers   term developmental projects. By prioritizing sectors
             also benefitted from the UAE’s efforts, witnessing not   such as health, education, and infrastructure, the UAE
             only their construction but also receiving essential   reemphasized its unwavering  support for  Sudan’s
             equipment and crucial maintenance to ensure sustained   journey towards stability and prosperity. This dedication
             quality healthcare. Furthermore, the UAE took a holistic   is a testament to the UAE’s role as a global partner for
             approach  by  supplying  crucial  medicines,  medical   sustainable change.
             equipment, and other medical supplies.  Emphasizing
             a people-centric approach, the UAE diligently ensured
             that these vulnerable groups were not left behind,
             guaranteeing they received the necessary medical
             attention and compassionate care.

             Education, another cornerstone for sustainable
             development, was given its due emphasis. The
             UAE invested AED 5.7 million (USD 1.5 million) in
             educational endeavors in Sudan. Of this, AED 4.0
             million (USD 1.1 million) was channeled towards the
             launch of a University Scholarship Program, providing
             promising Sudanese students an  avenue for  higher
             education and a bright future. On the foundational
             education front, several schools benefited either from
             fresh construction or vital renovations, coupled with
             re-equipping to provide optimal learning environments.
             The tangible support extended to students too, with
             hundreds of school children and young adults receiving
             school  bags  and  uniforms.

             Recognizing the indispensable value of clean drinking
             water, the UAE embarked on projects to bolster water
             accessibility in  Sudan.  Various water  networks were
             expanded to enhance the reach and volume of water
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