Page 139 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 139

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             3 million smallholder farmers, safeguarded the health   improved water and sanitation facilities, spanning
             of 12.5 million women and children, and is on track to   22-member nations of the Islamic Development Bank
             uplift the lives of over 7.5 million individuals through   (IsDB).

               02   Transport and Storage

             The ADFD displayed a significant support to elevating   217.4  million (USD  59.2  million) in  2022.  Morocco
             global transport and storage infrastructures by   and South Sudan emerged as primary beneficiaries,
             disbursing AED  333.6  million (USD  90.8 million)   collectively  drawing  in  over  60%  of  the  funds
             to  projects  across  this  sector.  This  financial  thrust   allocated for road transport infrastructure. Morocco, in
             predominantly centered on air, road, and water    particular, saw ADFD’s support for a crucial national
             transport infrastructure.  The Maldives, classified   road initiative linking Guelmim to Tan-Tan City in the
             as a SIDS, found itself at the forefront of ADFD’s air   country’s southwestern region.
             transport infrastructure investments. ADFD further
             solidified its consistent financial support to the island   In water transport infrastructure,  ADFD earmarked
             nation, with its substantial contributions directed   AED 31.8 million (USD 8.6 million) to bolster projects
             towards the enhancement of two major airports:    in two nations. In Somalia, the ADFD supported the
             the Velana International Airport in Malé and the   expansive Kismayo Port Development, while in Yemen,
             international airport situated in Manafaru, Noonu Atoll.  it played a pivotal role in the rehabilitation of the Mocha
                                                               Port. These investments underscore ADFD’s holistic
             On the road infrastructure front, ADFD’s commitment   approach to enhancing transport linkages globally,
             spanned ten nations, with a total disbursement of AED   addressing both land and maritime mobility.

              03    Construction and Civil Development Sector

             In  2022,  ADFD  earmarked  5%  of  its  foreign  aid   enjoying continued financial support. The Sheikh Zayed
             disbursements for the pivotal Construction and Civil   City, an ambitious endeavor, is set to boast a plethora
             Development Sector, an allocation that translated to   of amenities from housing units and water supply
             a robust AED 313.7 million (USD 85.4 million). These   networks to a full-fledged hospital and a government
             funds underscored the ADFD’s dedication to fostering   services complex. In parallel, in Al Bourouj, Egypt,
             infrastructural growth, benefiting two LDCs, three   ADFD’s investment is fueling the creation of a business
             lower middle-income nations, and one SIDS.       park complete with a mall, in addition to the sprawling
                                                              Al Bouruj Residential City. Moving to Afghanistan, the
             Of this allocation, the lion’s share, amounting to AED   ADFD’s unwavering commitment was evident in the
             213.9 million (USD 58.2 million) or 68% of the sector’s   support for building 4,000 housing units. Uzbekistan’s
             disbursement, was invested in extensive development   Samarkand Infrastructure Project too saw its second
             projects across Maldives and Somalia. These endeavors   phase gain traction with funding.
             aimed not only at infrastructure augmentation but
             also at fortifying construction-related policies, and   Further amplifying its reach, the ADFD also ventured
             strengthening government-led development ventures.  into rural Kenya, sanctioning funds for a pivotal rural
                                                              development initiative. This project aims to illuminate
             On the urban development frontier, 31% of the sector’s   homes, schools, clinics, governmental offices, and
             disbursement, equivalent to AED 96.1 million (USD 26.2   various commercial, agricultural, and industrial hubs
             million), was channeled towards projects prioritizing   with a consistent electricity supply, a step poised to
             urban growth and management.  Egypt emerged as   play a transformative role in alleviating poverty in the
             a primary beneficiary with two expansive projects   region.
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