Page 148 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 148

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             Over the past half-decade, the Emirates Red      Zooming into the beneficiaries, Jordan, Pakistan,
             Crescent (ERC) has emerged as a stalwart in      and Yemen stood out as the top recipients of
             the UAE’s foreign aid landscape, consistently    the Emirates Red Crescent’s international aid
             securing its position as the third-largest donor   in 2022. Collectively, they represented over a
             in terms of aid volume. In 2022 alone, the ERC   quarter of the ERC’s foreign aid disbursements
             contributions amounted to a substantial AED      for that year. Aligning with global aspirations,
             582.3 million (USD 158.5 million), reaching out   ERC channeled its efforts to support a gamut of
             to 75 countries globally, a generous gesture that   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Of the
             included support to four Small Island Developing   17 SDGs, they actively supported seven, with the
             States (SIDS). Analyzing the distribution metrics,   primary focus on SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 11
             45% of this aid, totaling AED 280.4 million (USD   (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG
             76.4 million), was directed to 25 of the world’s   2  (Zero  Hunger).  Together,  these  three  pivotal
             Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Moreover,      global  goals  absorbed  almost  90%  of  the  2022
             20   lower-middle-income   nations   benefited   foreign aid allocation.
             significantly, receiving 32% of the total aid, which
             translates to AED 154.8 million (USD 42.1 million).  When viewed in a broader timeframe, the Emirates
                                                              Red Crescent’s unyielding commitment to global
             The Red Crescent Authority’s form of assistance   betterment becomes even more evident. Over
             for these disbursements is particularly noteworthy:     the past five years, from 2018-2022, their total
             ERC operates exclusively via grants, ensuring    investments in global development, humanitarian
             that the recipient countries are not burdened with   actions, and charitable projects have amassed a
             debts. Delving deeper into the allocation specifics,   significant AED 2.80 billion (USD 762.5 million).
             54%  of  these  funds  were  dedicated  to  global   Through these endeavors, ERC reaffirms its
             development initiatives. Meanwhile, 31% of the   dedication to fostering a brighter, more equitable
             financial aid was channeled towards humanitarian   future for all.
             and emergency relief, with the remainder being
             allocated to charitable endeavors.

             2022 witnessed a balanced approach by the
             Emirates Red Crescent in project implementation.
             ERC adeptly straddled between direct intervention
             and collaborative efforts. Specifically, ERC either
             took the helm of foreign aid projects themselves
             or synergized with local allies, including national
             non-governmental    organizations   or   other
             civil society entities. This approach ensured a
             seamless blend of ground-level insights and top-
             tier expertise.
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