Page 150 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 150

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

              02    Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC),        packages, in addition to 11,324 locally-sourced
             recognized as the UAE’s premier humanitarian     food parcels, thus ensuring a fusion of rapid
             agency, solidified its dedication to global altruistic   relief while concurrently bolstering Yemen’s local
             endeavors,  particularly  within  the  Commodity   economy.
             Aid Sector. This sector encompasses an array
             of urgent needs including emergency food aid,    The assistance in Pakistan, largely prompted
             multi-sector emergency assistance, emergency     by devastating floods, was equally meticulous.
             shelter provisions, non-food essentials, and     The ERC dispatched two vessels, transporting
             household security programs. The ERC’s financial   a combined 600 tons of food aid, which was
             support in this sector was both substantial and   further broken down into 37,645 food parcels. An
             strategic, earmarking AED 166.5 million (USD     additional ship was loaded with a generous 75,005
             45.3 million), which made up an impressive 27%   tons of dates and supplementary nourishment.
             of its total annual disbursements.               Somalia, grappling with its own set of challenges,
                                                              witnessed the arrival of two planes, carrying a
             Of the diverse projects within this sector,      collective 72 tons of food, equivalent to 2,376
             emergency food aid emerged as the paramount      food baskets. Additionally, maritime routes
             priority, absorbing AED 69.3 million (USD 18.9   ensured the delivery of over 1,600 tons of critical
             million), which translates to 42% of the sector’s   food aid via two shipments.
             total funds.
                                                              Simultaneously, the ERC remained acutely
             The magnitude of this commitment became          attentive to the needs arising from emergency
             palpable across 10 countries, with Yemen,        multi-sector aid, designating AED 49.4 million
             Pakistan, and Somalia emerging as the primary    (USD 13.5 million) towards such projects. A
             beneficiaries,  jointly  receiving  over  92%  of  the   noteworthy intervention was in Sudan where
             ERC’s total emergency food aid in 2022.          the ERC not only facilitated the delivery of 1,685
                                                              tons of food and essential non-food items but
             In Yemen, the logistical complexity of the ERC’s   also leveraged the local markets for sourcing.
             operations was evident. ERC dispatched five      This dual-strategy approach accelerated relief
             airplanes, delivering an astounding 121,214 tons   delivery and simultaneously injected vitality into
             of emergency food aid. This immediate airborne   Sudan’s local commerce. Furthermore, to address
             relief was augmented with  maritime support,     immediate shelter needs, the ERC expedited the
             involving 13 ships that transported 100,000 food   airlifting of nearly 1,500 tents, underscoring their
                                                              holistic approach to humanitarian relief.
              03    Water and Sanitation

             In 2022, the Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) made    of the ERC’s total foreign assistance for the year,
             notable strides in its commitment to improving   ERC reiterated the universal truth that access to
             global access to clean water and sanitation,     clean water is fundamental to life, health, and
             especially in regions where water scarcity poses a   well-being.
             severe challenge. Allocating AED 35.0 million (USD
             9.5 million) to this pivotal sector, representing 6%   The bulk of ERC’s efforts, a substantial 92%, were
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