Page 154 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 154

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the International Charity Organization (ICO)   were implemented directly by the organization, while
             solidified its position as the UAE’s fourth largest donor   partnerships with national NGOs and civic bodies
             by  financial  volume,  disbursing  AED  270.9  million   represented  a  smaller  yet  vital  11%.
             (USD  73.8  million).  This  marked  a  7%  increase  from   Shifting the lens to geographical focus, Palestine,
             the previous year, indicating a growing commitment to   Sudan, and Senegal stood out as the foremost
             global outreach. Across 13 countries, ICO’s footprint   beneficiaries,  collectively  drawing  45%  of  ICO’s  total
             was evident, with special emphasis on 3 Least    2022 aid. Aligned with the international commitment
             Developed Countries (LDCs) which received AED 102.2   to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ICO
             million (USD 27.8 million), making up 38% of the total   channelled its resources to support seven of the 17
             allocations. Additionally, five lower-middle-income   defined  goals. With  a  strategic focus  on  SDG 1  (No
             countries were on the receiving end of 36% of the aid,   Poverty), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities),
             equivalent to AED 98.0 million (USD 26.7 million).  and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), these key areas
             Distinctively, the ICO commits its resources through   together attracted over 90% of ICO’s 2022 foreign aid.
             grants, with a discerning preference for global   Reflecting on ICO’s continuous endeavors, over the past
             development. A vast majority, 66%, of its 2022 funding   three years of reporting its foreign assistance activities,
             championed development initiatives, while charitable   from 2020-2022, the ICO has generously disbursed
             endeavors  received  31%  of  the  total,  leaving  the   foreign aid amounting to AED 757.4 million (USD
             remainder for humanitarian assistance. When it comes   206.2 million), highlighting the International Charity
             to the execution of foreign aid projects, ICO takes an   Organization’s consistent and expanding commitment
             active hands-on approach. A significant 84% of projects   to global welfare.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             In 2022, the International Charity Organization (ICO)   the sector’s total funds, translating to a remarkable
             solidified its  unyielding commitment  to fortifying  the   AED 133.0 million (USD 36.2 million).
             Social Services Sector, directing a significant tranche
             of its foreign aid budget to support this pivotal sector.   The ICO’s investments in social welfare services and
             An allocation of AED 184.4 million (USD 50.2 million),   assorted basic social services are multifaceted. Their
             representing  an  overwhelming  68%  of  ICO’s  total   compassionate reach extends to providing care for
             disbursements for the year, was dedicated to endeavors   hundreds of orphans, addressing both their educational
             ranging from social welfare services to seasonal   and health necessities. The organization’s expansive
             programmes, underscoring ICO’s unyielding dedication   aid net also envelops the support of 7,150 individuals
             to fostering societal progress and betterment.    with special needs, ensures educational assistance
             The essence of ICO’s mission is deeply rooted in   for nearly 500 students, underwrites the salaries of
             improving the living conditions for the marginalized   1,345 educators, covers medical costs for around 700
             and vulnerable. Within the realm of the Social Services   patients hailing from impoverished backgrounds, and
             Sector,  two  prominent  subsectors  –  social  welfare   bears the salaries of over 50 doctors. Furthermore, the
             services and an array of basic social services – stood   ICO extended its benevolent arm to uplift nearly 15,000
             out as focal points of the ICO’s 2022 foreign assistance.   families, offering them financial aid and even initial
             These  two  pillars,  collectively,  absorbed  over  70%  of   capital  to  pioneer  livelihood  ventures,  thus  fostering
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