Page 159 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 159

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Allocation Insights

              01    Social Services

             In 2022, Dar Al Ber Society reinforced its       Al Ber Society’s initiatives in 2022 within social
             unwavering devotion to the Social Services       welfare services and related basic social services
             Sector, earmarking a significant portion of its   are both broad and deep, reflecting a holistic
             foreign aid budget to uplift and bolster this vital   approach to aid. Key undertakings included
             sector. With a generous contribution of AED 165.5   continued sponsoring orphans by providing
             million (USD 45.1 million), a staggering 64% of   essential items like mattresses and clothing, and
             its annual foreign aid disbursements, the Society   extending monthly financial assistance to senior
             ensured that a plethora of programs—from         citizens and financially strained families. In its bid
             social welfare services to time-honored seasonal   to provide tangible solutions, the Society funded
             programmes—were well-funded.  This significant   the construction and furnishing of a dozen homes
             allocation vividly illuminates the Society’s     for needy families, with an additional 15 homes
             intrinsic commitment to advancing societal well-  receiving full furnishing.
             being and championing transformative change.
             Central to Dar Al Ber Society’s ethos is the     Beyond immediate aid, Dar Al Ber demonstrated
             profound aspiration to enhance the living        foresight  by   empowering    recipients  with
             standards of the underserved and marginalized    sustainable means of livelihood. Livestock,
             segments of society. Navigating within the vast   sewing machines, fishing boats, and horse-drawn
             expanse of the Social Services Sector, 2022 saw   carts were distributed, stimulating self-reliance
             the Society highlighting two key areas: social   and nurturing income-generating activities. This
             welfare  services and  a diverse  suite of  basic   was complemented by initiatives like setting
             social services. These foundational subsectors   up small retail outlets, facilitating access to
             were beneficiaries of more than half of the      farmland – either through purchase or lease – and
             allocated  budget for  the sector.  In  real terms,   establishing charitable endowment shops.
             this means a significant AED 86.8 million (USD
             23.6 million) was disbursed across 30 countries.   Echoing  its reverence  for  cultural traditions,
             Leading the list of primary beneficiaries from this   particularly during the Holy Month of Ramadan,
             philanthropic outreach were nations like Egypt,   Dar Al Ber Society continued its legacy of
             Palestine.                                       benevolence. With an allocation of AED 8.2
                                                              million (USD 2.2 million) for its 2022 seasonal
             The outreach projects undertaken by Dar Al Ber in   programme, the Society reached out to 29
             the realm of social welfare and other fundamental   countries, extending support in the form of
             services are not only expansive but also attuned   alms and Iftar, embodying the very essence of
             to the multifaceted needs of communities. Dar    generosity that the holy month stands for.
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