Page 164 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 164

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the Sharjah Charity Association further   society  institutions,  executing  a  significant  72%  of
             cemented its reputation as one of the UAE’s most   its 2022 projects through these partnerships. Such
             dedicated foreign aid donors. Such intent was clear,   alliances amplify the efficacy of aid by harnessing the
             with disbursements reaching AED 239.2 million    deep-rooted expertise and nuanced understanding that
             (USD 65.1 million), demonstrating a remarkable 63%   these  entities  bring  to  the  table,  ensuring  that  every
             increase from the previous year.                 dirham  spent  has  the  maximum  potential  impact.
             With an outreach that spanned 42 developing nations,   The  remaining  projects  were  managed  directly  by
             this Association’s steadfast commitment to addressing   the Association. Globally, Bangladesh, Ghana, and
             pressing global challenges was evident. It earmarked   Tajikistan stood out as primary recipients, drawing over
             a substantial AED 124.5 million (USD 33.9 million)   40%  of  the  year’s  aid  disbursements.
             –  over  half  of  its  total  disbursements  –  for  22  of  the   In alignment with global ambitions, the Sharjah Charity
             world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This was   Association directed its resources to champion six of
             supplemented by a notable allocation of AED 101.0   the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The
             million (USD 27.5 million) to 11 lower-middle-income   focus was predominantly on SDGs 11 (Sustainable
             nations, underscoring the Association’s keen insight   Cities and Communities), SDG 1 (No Poverty), and SDG
             into global economic challenges and its proactive   6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), capturing over 95% of
             approach to addressing them.                     the 2022 allocation – a testament to the strategic and
             Sharjah Charity Association’s modus operandi is   mission-driven approach.
             grounded in providing grant funding, its sole mode of   Taking a broader view over the past five years, from
             foreign aid delivery. The allocation breakdown for 2022   2018-2022, Sharjah Charity Association’s unwavering
             reveals a strategic and compassionate approach: 60%   commitment  to fostering  global progress  shines
             channeled into charitable activities, 39% funneled into   through. The cumulative foreign aid contribution over
             vital development projects, and the remainder set aside   this period reached AED 826.6 million (USD 225.0
             for urgent humanitarian and emergency relief.    million), solidifying its reputation as a true beacon of
             Believing in the strength of synergy, the Association   benevolence in the international philanthropic arena.
             collaborated extensively with national NGOs and civil

             Allocation Insights

               01   Social Services

             In 2022, the Social Services Sector remained at the   the quality of life for the underprivileged remains the
             forefront of Sharjah Charity Association’s philanthropic   Association’s keystone ambition. Thus, the bulk of
             endeavors, echoing the consistency seen in previous   this sector’s allocation—AED 130.6 million (USD 35.5
             years.  Encompassing  a  wide  array  of  programs,  this   million)—was meticulously distributed across two
             sector underscores the Association’s holistic approach   pivotal subsectors: social welfare services and assorted
             to societal betterment, spanning from social welfare   basic social services, which combined constituted 75%
             services and building religious sites to seasonal   of the sector’s entire fund.
             programmes. With an earmarked AED 175.3 million   The scope of the Association’s work in 2022 was vast.
             (USD 47.7 million) in 2022, this pivotal sector claimed   A notable effort was the continued support to 21,000
             an impressive 73% of the Association’s total budget,   orphans, alongside managing six orphanages and a
             exemplifying its unwavering commitment to improve   charitable  community kitchen.  The Association  also
             the conditions of the needy and vulnerable.      funded an elderly education initiative, constructed over
             Bangladesh, Ghana, and Egypt stood as testament to   100 homes for impoverished families, and extended
             this commitment, being the primary beneficiaries of   financial support to more than 230 families.
             this support. Collectively, they absorbed nearly half     Furthermore, the “Juffair Al Khair” projects stand out,
             of the sector-specific funding for that year. Elevating   exemplifying the Association’s visionary approach.
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