Page 156 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 156

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                                             Dar Al Ber Society

                         “Dar Al Ber Society: The House of Charity, turning good deeds into global impact.”

                     Established with a vision to drive meaningful change on a global scale, the Dar Al Ber Society
                     has emerged as a monumental force in the realm of international philanthropy. As a UAE foreign
                     aid donor, the Society embodies the essence of benevolence, transcending borders and bridging
                     disparities to uplift communities and fortify their foundations.

                     Rooted in values of compassion, solidarity, and responsibility, Dar Al Ber’s endeavors are not
                     merely  about  financial  contributions;  they  represent  a  commitment  to  weaving  a  tapestry  of
                     hope, resilience, and progress across nations. With each project the Society champions and every
                     initiative it funds, the Society echoes its unwavering dedication to a world where opportunity and
                     well-being are not privileges but rights for all.

                     Whether it’s education, health, water and sanitation or socio-economic upliftment, the Dar Al Ber
                     Society’s footprints can be found in every corner of the globe, making a tangible difference in the

                     lives of the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the underserved.
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