Page 172 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 172

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian   practices, the Establishment continued to disburse all
             and   Charity  Establishment  has   consistently  its  funding  as  grants.
             demonstrated its commitment as a key foreign aid   In terms of assistance category, the Establishment’s
             donor from the UAE, disbursing a significant AED 91.8   allocation reveals that global development projects
             million (USD 25.0 million) in 2022. This international aid   remained  the  focal  point,  securing  85%  of  the  2022
             touched the lives of people in 26 diverse countries. A   funding.  Charitable  endeavors  followed  with  a  12%
             striking feature of the year’s funding was that over half   allocation, with the balance channeling towards
             was dedicated to an extensive multi-country initiative.   humanitarian and emergency relief projects. In a regional
             Additionally,  while  10%  focused  on  supporting  11   breakdown, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan
             of the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs), a   emerged as the primary beneficiaries for the year.
             significant one-third of the budget was allocated to aid   On the global stage, aligned with the Sustainable
             10 lower-middle income nations.                  Development Goals (SDGs), the Establishment threw
             The   Establishment’s  operational  strategy  has  its weight behind seven of the 17 SDGs, with SDGs 2
             historically blended hands-on implementation with   (Zero Hunger), 1 (No Poverty), and 3 (Good Health and
             collaborations involving national non-governmental   Well-being) taking the top spots.
             organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations   Zooming  out  to  view  the  Mohammed  bin  Rashid  Al
             (CSOs) in beneficiary nations. However, 2022 marked   Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment’s
             a notable shift in this strategy, as the organization   philanthropic journey over the years, between 2018
             took  the  helm  to  implement  100%  of  its  foreign  aid   and  2022,  it  has  channelled  AED  340.8  million  (USD
             projects directly. This move not only demonstrated   92.8 million)  into global  development, humanitarian,
             the Establishment’s evolving approach but also its   and  charitable pursuits, underlining its  unwavering
             faith in the effectiveness and efficiency of hands-on   commitment to fostering change and promoting global
             project management. Keeping consistent with its past   welfare.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Commodity Aid

             In 2022, the Commodity Aid Sector, with disbursements   the region. This effort received more than half of the
             reaching AED 52.9 million (USD 14.4 million),    Establishment’s foreign aid budget for the year and a
             was highlighted by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al    significant 95% of the Commodity Aid Sector’s funds.
             Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment’s   One of the standout projects of the “1 Billion Meals”
             pivotal focus on the “1 Billion Meals” campaign. This   campaign was in Jordan’s refugee camps, where 3.6
             ambitious initiative, under the subsector food aid and   million meals were distributed. Utilizing innovative
             food security programmes, allocated a budget of AED   technology, instantly redeemable smart vouchers
             50.2 million (USD 13.7 million) in 2022, represented   were dispatched as electronic codes to beneficiaries’
             a growth trajectory from its earlier campaigns. The   mobile phones.  This collaborative  endeavor with
             ‘10  Million  Meals’  campaign of  2020, launched   the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP)
             domestically, provided significant relief to COVID-19-  enabled  recipients  to  choose  and  purchase  their
             affected communities within the UAE. This initiative   desired food from WFP-accredited outlets, providing
             paved the way for the more expansive ‘100 Million   both sustenance and a semblance of autonomy. This
             Meals’  campaign  of  2021,  which  sought  to  benefit   innovative approach fortified food security for 40,109
             communities across 30 countries. Impressively, this   individuals in Jordan.
             initiative not only met its intended target but secured
             an  astounding 216  million meals  for communities   In addition to the substantial “1 Billion Meals” campaign,
             across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South   the Establishment executed food distribution initiatives
             America. The 2022 “1 Billion Meals” campaign, aiming   in Tajikistan, emphasizing the broader theme of food
             to deliver a billion meals to 50 countries, marked the   aid and food security programmes. Concurrently,
             apex of the Establishment’s food donation initiatives.   the emergency multi-sector aid initiative ensured
             Within just a month of its launch in April 2022, this   that Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan received
             campaign achieved its grand objective, positioning   vital emergency relief materials, underscoring the
             itself as the most prominent food donation drive in   Establishment’s multifaceted humanitarian outreach.
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