Page 205 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 205

Section 05
                                                                                                UAE Donors

             Furthermore,  the  Foundation’s  endeavors  were   Somalia, they established a partnership with the Aster
             not restricted to infrastructural developments. The   Clinic Foundation to finance a mobile medical service,
             organization took concrete steps to bolster medical   making healthcare more accessible in remote areas.
             services in four countries. In Egypt, its contributions
             ranged from providing an ambulance and buses to   In essence, the Big Heart Foundation’s approach
             spearheading the establishment of a Pediatric Intensive   to healthcare is comprehensive, ranging from
             Care Unit at the Global Aswan Heart Center. Meanwhile,   infrastructure enhancements to direct medical
             in Pakistan, the Big Heart Foundation introduced state-  services, ensuring they leave a lasting impact on the
             of-the-art surgical oncology facilities, which included   communities they touch.
             the installation of two advanced operating theaters,
             and also channeled efforts towards malaria control. In

              02    Education

             In 2022, the Big Heart Foundation made significant   also funded the construction of both a primary school
             strides in  advancing  the global  educational  agenda.   and the SOS Girls and Boys High School in Rawalakot,
             With the Education Sector capturing over 20% of the   amplifying its commitment to accessible education.
             Foundation’s funding, it underscored the organization’s
             commitment to fostering education across the globe.   Emergency  situations  often  lead  to  disruption  in
             This commitment translated into impactful projects   educational services, but the Foundation was quick
             spanning seven diverse countries.                to address such contingencies. In Jordan, where
                                                              displacement is rife, the foundation donated a
             The majority of the educational funding, accounting for   staggering 5,000 books in both Arabic and English,
             over 60%, was steered towards bolstering educational   ensuring children in refugee camps and surrounding
             facilities and training. For instance, in Bangladesh, the   communities remain connected to the world of
             Foundation’s efforts culminated in the construction   knowledge. In a similar vein, Kenya saw the foundation
             and equipping of a community school. Egypt saw   making a concerted effort to improve the education
             an even grander gesture with the establishment of a   experience for vulnerable girls from refugee and host
             comprehensive educational institution: an equipped   communities. By supporting the operational costs
             school, housing 11 classrooms, an IT laboratory, a   of a girls’ boarding school and procuring essential
             dedicated science lab, a library, and recreational rooms   equipment, learning materials, and furniture, the
             to ensure holistic development.                  foundation  ensured  that  these  girls  receive  quality
                                                              education in an environment optimized for learning.
             Kenya, a nation with its unique challenges, witnessed
             the foundation’s drive to empower the girls. A fully   In sum, the Big Heart Foundation’s efforts in 2022
             equipped boarding school tailored for girls was erected   illuminated its unwavering commitment to eradicating
             in the Kalobeyei settlement, ensuring they receive   educational barriers, ensuring that children, irrespective
             education in a safe, conducive environment. On the   of  their  circumstances,  have  the  resources  and
             other hand, Pakistan, a nation of diverse educational   infrastructure to learn and thrive.
             needs,  benefited  from  the  foundation’s  multifaceted
             approach. Not only did the Big Heart Foundation
             cover the operational costs of an existing school, it
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