Page 208 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 208

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

                           Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and

                                         Humanitarian Foundation

                     “Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation: Steering the UAE’s
                     global philanthropy, making a profound difference in vulnerable communities worldwide.”

                    Founded in the spirit of benevolence and philanthropy, the Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable
                    and Humanitarian Foundation stands as a luminary of compassionate intervention and sustainable
                    development in the global foreign aid landscape.  As one of the nation’s most distinguished foreign
                    aid donors, the Foundation has consistently amplified the legacy of its namesake, the late Sheikh
                    Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father of the UAE renowned for his compassion and
                    vision of a world bound by unity and shared prosperity.

                    Over the years, the Foundation has reached out to myriad countries, channeling substantial
                    resources into areas that need them most, including Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and lower-
                    middle-income nations. Through strategic collaborations with international organizations and
                    national entities, the Foundation ensures that its aid has the deepest impact, aligning with the
                    unique developmental goals of each recipient nation. By championing initiatives across diverse
                    sectors such as health, education, and commodity aid, the Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable
                    and Humanitarian Foundation continues to be a beacon of hope and solidarity in a complex global
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