Page 210 - UAE Foreign Aid Report 2022
P. 210

United Arab Emirates
                 Foreign Aid Report 2022

             Aid Allocation Overview

             In 2022, the Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable   engaged  with  international  NGOs  for  over  20%,  and
             and Humanitarian Foundation significantly expanded   facilitated bilateral assistance to governments for the
             its philanthropic footprint, disbursing AED 17.2 million   remaining  10%.
             (USD 4.7 million) — more than triple its previous year’s
             aid budget. This financial support extended to 49   When it comes to the types of assistance provided,
             countries, focusing particularly on 14 Least Developed   the focus was predominantly on global development,
             Countries (LDCs), which received 28% of the overall aid,   which  consumed  more  than  70%  of  the  budget.
             and eight lower-middle-income countries that garnered   Meanwhile,  charitable  projects  took  up  19%,  with
             over half of the total aid. Notably, the Foundation   the remainder allocated for emergency relief and
             prioritized  the  needs  of  three  developing  countries,   humanitarian assistance. The Foundation also aligned
             making Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan as its   its efforts with the Sustainable Development Goals
             primary beneficiaries, and collectively receiving nearly   (SDGs) of its recipient countries, specifically prioritizing
             65% of the Foundation’s 2022 foreign aid budget.  SDGs 2 (Zero Hunger), 3 (Good Health and Well-being),
                                                              and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
             The  Foundation’s strategy  for aid  implementation
             witnessed a paradigm shift  in 2022.  Whereas it had   Over the past five years, from 2018-2022, the Zayed
             directly implemented all of its foreign aid projects   Foundation has exclusively used grants as its form of
             for the preceding four years, the year 2022 marked   aid disbursement, channeling a cumulative AED 57.4
             a  change;  only  32%  of  its  projects  were  directly   million (USD 15.6 million) towards a diverse array of
             managed. Recognizing the strength and efficiency of   global  development,  humanitarian,  and  charitable
             collaboration, the Foundation partnered with national   projects. This long-term commitment and evolving
             non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil   strategy make it one of the most impactful and adaptive
             society organizations (CSOs) for 37% of its initiatives,   UAE-based donors in the international arena.

             Allocation Insights

               01   Commodity aid

             In 2022, the Zayed Foundation made a strategic   Moreover, Pakistan was another focal point; the Zayed
             decision to allocate nearly 50% of its international aid   Foundation’s emergency food aid initiative led to the
             budget, amounting to AED 8.3 million (USD 2.3 million),   distribution of a substantial 703 tons of food and relief
             to the Commodity Aid Sector. This aid was primarily   items. This life-sustaining aid reached thousands of
             channeled to  benefit five lower-middle-income   individuals  who  were  severely  impacted  by  flooding
             countries, which collectively absorbed more than 95%   events in the country. The data underscores Zayed
             of the sector’s funding, demonstrating a targeted   Foundation’s commitment to immediate and effective
             approach to international assistance. Additionally, six   humanitarian relief, especially in countries grappling
             Least Developed Countries (LDCs) were not left behind,   with natural disasters and socio-economic challenges.
             as they too were recipients of this sector’s aid.

             A noteworthy aspect of this allocation was the
             Foundation’s focus on food distribution, which
             claimed  over  75%  of  the  Commodity  Aid  Sector’s
             budget. These initiatives were spread across 16
             countries, but the most significant food aid project was
             executed in Uzbekistan, underscoring the country’s
             prioritization within the Foundation’s aid portfolio.
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